Hi everyone Rolo seems back to normal today. We are seeing the vet this morning. He perked up last night which was good as the emergency vet was dealing with a serious incident! So i didnt feel as worried, He had a nap and woke up fine, and has slep fine toom Im taking him as a matter of precaution it was so scary and I hope nothing is underlying. Thanks for all your messages I will let you know what the vet says.
I had something similar and it was a small obstruction just before the anus - some piece of bone that Poppy was finding hard and painful to pass. It came out eventually, but when it happened I thought she had seriously hurt herself. Hopefully Rolo's issue is equally minor!
It appears to be a bite!!! I searched and searched his skin last night! But the vet found a spot he mustve been licking and biting overnight! Phew im just glad all his limbs and joints are ok!