Bessie still loves to cry when she can't quite settle down to sleep. Like an overstimulated toddler of the human variety. She'll mouth a toy and whine and cry and look at me. She was just doing it, then gave a couple of grunts and a sigh or two and closed her eyes. Phew. It's adorable when it isn't annoying, know what I mean? But I was curious if anyone else had a pup hold onto this behavior this long. I thought she'd outgrow it by now.
Corona has always been very vocal. She doesn't do it when she's tired exactly but she does whine and cry sometimes when mouthing a toy. Sometimes I think she may have a broken tooth. Whenever she rolls around on the ground, she does it then too. Almost like a growl and whining combined. And first thing in the morning, when she's waiting for me to get myself together to bring her out for a potty break, she makes the funniest growl/ cry/ howl thing we've ever heard. It's loud! It's annoying but hilarious at the same time. She also NEVER yawns quietly, it's an exaggerated really loud yawn, like she's letting us know that she's tired. These are all things she's always done and never outgrew.i think it's just her way of communicating with us
Bailey is another vocal one. Very often at night when chewing a toy, its like a half hearted attempt to get some attention, but he's too tired to move! He also does it during the day if he thinks he's been quiet long enough. It's almost as if he's talking to me
She is extremely vocal at other times as well, and howl/whine/cries about a lot of things. And makes low-pitched rhythmic not-quite-a-growl at Burke if she wants him to play and he won't. Lot of variety of sounds that yes, sounds like she's talking to us! I like the "wants attention but too tired to move" theory. I think this makes sense. I've been trying to ignore it so as not to reinforce, but when I pet her, she settles down, often.
It was great to hear of other vocal dogs, my bitch is very vocal I used to think she was being needy. I am getting used to her noise and sometimes I tell her to shush and she falls asleep. As for yawning it sounds like she is being mal- treated, guess its character!
My dog Obi is 5 years old and is a world champion whiner when he's overtired. The range of sounds he can produce is unbelievable. We just ignore him and eventually he settles down with a Lambie.
Bramble used to sound like a moaning teenager when it was bedtime! She would make low, whinging half whines and just stare at you. When she realised nothing was going to work, she would let out an enormous huff, turn her back and go to sleep! Now and 16 months old, I think she has grown out of it. Still has a huge repertoire of funny squeaks and growls though!
Rory is 3 and still very vocal. All the others have been quiet not Rory he sounds like a wookie . He comments on everything and has a lot to say. Every the drama queen.