Cut on nose not healing

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Jike, Mar 17, 2017.

  1. Jike

    Jike Registered Users

    Mar 17, 2017

    We have a soon to be 1 year old english black lab who is the ❤️ of our life!

    When he was around 5 months old he was playing with another pup and his nose got scraped, right where the fur starts. It healed up and during more puppy play it got cut again. Then he nosed the metal downspout in the backyard and did a larger cut

    By the time he was 9 months old this cut materialized into an infection tha resulted in twenty one days of antibiotics and cream to prevent a staph infection. We did 12 laser treatment at our vet's as well. There was definite improvement.

    Of course the cone lasted two days and we have done our best to always have the poor guy on leash for all outside business. We recently went over a week with no bleeding or clear fluid oozing and then ⚡️ You know who nosed something and punctured a small poke in the blister that does not seem to go away.

    Today the nose oozed a bit of pink coloured clear fluid. No smell, no sign of infection... just two very upset lab owners who don't know if this is normal. He has no symptoms of an auto immune disease thank goodness and he isn't bothered by his nose!

    Has anyone dealt with a cut on the nose similar to this?
  2. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    I'm sure that this has been so terribly frustrating. It's hard when something's not right - we all just want our dogs to be happy and healthy.

    I am not a vet, just an ordinary dog owner, but I would think that a failure to heal completely by now might suggest that it's still infected. Infected wounds don't necessarily smell or look obviously infected on the surface.

    So, I would be having a good long chat about it with your vet. Get them to explain the process of wound healing and what kind of timeframe would be normal with this kind of injury and ask them to give you their ideas about why it has not healed yet, as well as a plan for what to do next.

    Just remember that this is not a life threatening problem and that it is going to get better - it just might need a different kind of intervention and maybe a bit of lateral thinking on the part of the vet.

    What is your dog's name? :)
  3. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Hi there! Last year my dog did get a staph infection on his nose from a cut he got while at the kennel. He was on antibiotics for a week or so, plus a cream and something else, I forget now. Anyhow he was in the cone for about two weeks and by that time, with the medication, he was almost cleared up, and after another week or two he was pretty much healed. He still has scar tissue on his nose with a little spot where the fur didn't grow back completely.

    So that being said, I do wonder why your dog's nose isn't healing quite right. I would have a chat with the vet about it, just to see if he is worried at all. It could be that he's just continually irritating it and it hasn't had a chance to completely heal, or as Rachael says, perhaps there is still some infection going on.

    Good luck and let us know what the vet thinks!
  4. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Welcome to the forum.
    Sorry to hear that you are having such problems.
    If you know it's not an autoimmune problem I am guessing that your vet has done blood tests?
    Things like diabetes can cause delayed healing too but I would think that has been checked.
    It's a really hard area to keep protected.
    What has your vet suggested? Any plans for further testing?
    As Rachael (Oberon) suggests the skin being so fragile might suggest ongoing infection
  5. edzbird

    edzbird Registered Users

    Mar 31, 2015
    Isle of Man
    I have no experience at all with infected wounds, but I would persevere with the cone to help prevent further knocks until you have achieved healing.
  6. Jike

    Jike Registered Users

    Mar 17, 2017
    Thank you everyone!

    Our guy's name is Rambo but we call him Bo for short. He lives up to his name lol but is so much fun ❤️❤️

    Our vet, to be honest, is pretty laid back and doesn't seem concerned. He thinks we have a big healthy baby and that unless he tolerates the cone for a couple weeks it's going to take time.

    My husband thinks there might be a piece of something embedded (we have rotten buckthorn in the yard that is coming down this spring since we found out it's poisonous for dogs) but supposedly the vet doesn't think this is the case.

    We agree with you all that this is concerning and should see our vet and insist on more testing. I know knowledge is power but we pray everything comes back negative.

    Thank you so much and we will post and let you know what steps we've taken next week and what the results are.
  7. Snowshoe

    Snowshoe Registered Users

    Sep 5, 2015
    Ontario, Canada
    Hi Jike and Bo. Fancy meeting you here. You know, I'd ask Joan about that. Having trained as a Public Health Nurse and been breeding for about 35 years I tend to trust her medical opinions more than maybe some other's. Another idea, second opinion from a different Vet? Maybe one who specializes in Dermatology?
    Jike likes this.
  8. Jike

    Jike Registered Users

    Mar 17, 2017
    Lol hi Snowshoe! Yes excellent point, I'll email her now We have definitely considered a second opinion too...
  9. Jike

    Jike Registered Users

    Mar 17, 2017
    Hi everyone,

    Just to follow up and in case it helps someone down the road, we contacted our breeder and sent her pictures of the past and present injury. She said it takes a long time for the nose to heal so not unusual.

    With regards to the recent "injury" she said it is a nose zit and very common, she has seen it alot on her dogs. Sure enough on closer inspection the "hole" looks like an open pore. Her advice was don't worry, it will clear up.

    Of course now that this has relieved our worry, don't you know that it seems to have improved greatly and looks like it's ready to heal

    Thank you again to everyone for your help and advice, I'm sure I will have more questions in the next (hopefully) 16 plus years!
  10. xxryu139xx

    xxryu139xx Registered Users

    Aug 17, 2016
    Union, NJ
    Nose Zit? peculiar.

    Please post a picture of the cut or "nose zit."

    I am a Wound Care Nurse, but for humans and seen plenty of wounds. Pink drainage might mean its blood mixed with pus, however you said its clear, so it might not be infected. An infected wound does not necessarily smell either, however it will impede wound healing. Did your vet take a culture and sensitivity? Also if a foreign body still embedded in the wound will impede wound healing. You will need an x-ray to confirm this. For people, a wound present for more than 6 months will be considered "chronic" and will require a biopsy to check if there is a malignancy present. Not quite sure if this is the same protocol for vets, although the medical reasoning i find seems to be the same from watching the vet.

    BTW, my boy got bit on his snout a few weeks ago. There was a mark on the right side of his nose and the left side above his lip. They healed up in about two weeks. We washed his wounds with soap and water. They were very superficial though so I wasn't worried and within a few days they were closing up and it didn't look infected.
    Jike and edzbird like this.
  11. MF

    MF Registered Users

    May 5, 2014
    Cape Town, South Africa
    My boy was nipped on the nose - top, where the hair of the snout meets the fleshy nose. He was about 10 months old. Grumpy terrier bit him cos it didn't want to share a ball.

    It wasn't a serious nip and I simply cleaned it. But it took ages to completely heal. The skin remained pink (he had a jet black nose) for ages, perhaps a year, I forget. I though it would remain like that forever, like a scar. But lo and behold one day I realized his nose was fully black again.

    Hope your boy's nose heals quickly.
    Jike likes this.
  12. Jike

    Jike Registered Users

    Mar 17, 2017
    Thanks, that's alot of good information! I'm sorry but I don't know how to post a picture on this forum! It looked like an open pore in the black scar but today it's gone. We put calendula cream on it last night. Our vet said the next step would be a biposy but he doesn't think it's necessary at this point. I have a pic from December 22 that looked like a toonie size of mushy raw hamburger and today we have a smooth black scar with no fur (yet?!) the size of a dime. Weird but happy the pimple is gone overnight!
  13. Snowshoe

    Snowshoe Registered Users

    Sep 5, 2015
    Ontario, Canada
  14. Jike

    Jike Registered Users

    Mar 17, 2017
    If I guessed your identity right I'll send you the pic on messenger

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