Daycare hangover?

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Newlabpup, Oct 15, 2015.

  1. Newlabpup

    Newlabpup Registered Users

    Sep 9, 2015
    Hi everyone! Yesterday Otis started doggy daycare (he'll be doing around once per week for extra exercise and socialization), he's 15 weeks now. When I picked him up at the end of the day he was absolutely 100% wiped out. Exhausted isn't even the word, he could barely keep his eyes open and just wanted to cuddle and sleep all night. Even this morning while he is still being his normal self.... Eating/drinking, playing, chewing bad things, etc... I feel like his energy is just a little lower. Has anyone with doggy daycare experience seen this as well? Just making sure this is normal! He's definitely never had the opportunity to play literally all day, so I'm hoping he's just super exercised!
  2. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    If my dog has much more exercise than normal, he is certainly wiped out the next day and very snoozy so think it's highly likely Otis has a "daycare hangover" as you say.

    Since he is still so very young, and a full day of play will be really a huge amount of exercise for such a young dog, could you ask them to pop him in a crate for part of the day? If it's free running day care, it's a lot for such a small pup. :)
  3. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Definitely normal and a daycare hangover is a good way to describe it!

    Over time he should get fitter and also self-regulate at daycare more (rest more) as the novelty wears off, so he'll cope better. But just keep an eye on how much you think he can handle. I know that 5 days in a row was far too much for Obi even when he was 9 months old. 3 days a week was about right, with rest days in between.
  4. Newlabpup

    Newlabpup Registered Users

    Sep 9, 2015
    Thank you for the responses! From what I understand they "cycle" them throughout different rooms as well as outside so they do get some time to rest. Unfortunately Otis has a very strong habit of staying awake at all costs if there's anything going on that he's interested in.
  5. Phoenix88

    Phoenix88 Registered Users

    Jul 31, 2015
    Dexter was exactly the same, due to circumstances he had to start day care at 12 weeks so he was super young and he only went for half days at a time so he didn't get too wiped out! The day care lady had a seperate section for puppies and crates for them to take themselves to bed for a mid day nap if needs be! Dexter still goes about once a week for a half day, I think he is getting used to it a bit better but still tired in the evenings, it's all the excitement and constant play with other dogs- if we know he is going to day care we don't do a walk that day.

    We notice his manners go a little bit down hill too because he is picking up bad habits (begging) from other dogs so we make sure we work on that when he's at home too

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