I’m looking at getting some dental care for our puppy who arrives in 4 weeks time. What do you use? Been looking at dental sprays. But not sure what’s the best way to go
I use Logic toothpaste, which usually comes with a finger brush, and then you can graduate to a double-ended toothbrush. You only need to worry about cleaning the outside of the teeth, as their tongue takes care of the inner surfaces.
I use Logic toothpaste (gel) too. I struggled with the finger brush though, but Coco was happy to go straight to toothbrush. I've only been doing it since his last vet visit in June (age 3), so I wonder if his previous owner introduced dental hygiene, as he's more than happy to sit for what is a quite invasive procedure. He gets a fish cube treat afterwards. I think that the brush & paste is the way to go, you can be sure you've been thorough.
Another vote for Logic gel here, too. With a puppy, you can let them chew on the rubber finger brush; it gets them used to it being in their mouth
Toothbrush and doggie toothpaste A brush is better than the finger scrubby things as a brush gets under the gum line. We just use a small, ultrasoft human toothbrush.
I use doggies toothpaste and brush. (On my dogs) Not everyday but my old girl has all her teeth at 14 and the vets says they are very good. She did recently crack one and had to have it out but that was more due to her age than what she eats. They seem to like it too