Hi everyone,just a quick check in....Lots going on here and I'm trying to use my Forum time to keep abreast of all your news not use it to make it ALL ABOUT US! But a little bit of an update.... Dexter is well and truly loving the UK....we've established a pretty good routine around all our social arrangements and haven't got the horribly early starts I have in Doobs.... He's crazy for scents and it has completely broken down our loose lead walking...all the things I anticipated trouble with ...fields with animals in,lots of other dogs ,have paled into significance compared to the satisfaction he gets pulling and sticking his face in a big verge of grass! Anyway we are making progress around our house we can make it up the lane in a civilised manner and he has 2
Secure fields to run in in front of the house.His neighbours 10 m away from our door are 2 horses and he couldn't care less...I am very grateful to all my horse friends in Doobs who let me wander around their horses ! We've visited a National Trust sire Fountains abbey...... This was taken when we were still friends as he was pretty horrible to be honest! We left without trying out our 'sitting in a cafe nicely ' skills ....stuff that,I needed wine! We've had a gun dog lesson.....which ended up being more a focus and control session
He did ok if you don't count the epic recall fail ,and lap of honour with the dummy! I'm lowering my expectations while he's possessed by the mischief We are signed up for KC obedience silver later in the month...only because we've done Dubai's version of bronze ...I'm thinking now we should maybe retake that !!!! Anyway that's a bit of news from us.....Ill be over to MY Walk soon but today is more about My Family as we've got 17 of them over today! Xxxx