My yellow lab is 13 now, Lola. She is suffering from Cushings Disease. Has an insatiable thirst and muscles weakening. Does anyone have any experience with this?
Hello and a warm welcome to the forum. I don't have any direct experience myself, but my sister's old Staffie, Stanley, had Cushings, so I may be able to help if you have any questions. There are a few people of here with good experience of veterinary medicine, too, so hopefully someone else will be able to help. I know Stanley's condition was managed with medication for a few years. He also had a terrible thirst and ballooned from drinking so much water. I will ask to see if anything was done to help this.
We did once have a Member who used to post whose lab had been diagnosed with Cushings so that is the extent of my exposure to it.I think her lab was elderly like your Lola but was living a comfortable life with the aid of medication x
Hello and welcome from me and my two dogs . I`m sorry , I don't know anything about Cushings , but I hope your Lola can be made comfortable and happy .
Hi and welcome. I have no personal experience of Cushings either, only that it can take some playing around with meds to get things stable initially. If you have any worries about Lola go back to your vet, her meds might just need tweaking a little. Good luck.
I have a friend whose spaniel has Cushings. He not only has a major thirst, but an insatiable appetite, and has needed treatment for ingesting the most inappropriate things. It's a hard slog both for her and Bruno, involving lots of blood tests, fights with the insurers, and vigilance. Very best of luck to you and your dog.
Our first Lab "Ginger" was diabetic, and we frequented a website for Diabetic dogs and cats. Cushings was discussed quite a bit, I think because the two diseases sometime go together or are related. That list was called the Muffin list (named for list owners pet) , and it is long gone, but I expect there are lists or forums dedicated to dogs with Cushings.