Day 2 of switch over of food - normalish poo at 6.00 but just gone again at 10.30 and mostly diarrhoea!! Yesterday she had 2 poos - more or less the same but less diarrhoea. I know it is early days and I am going to take it slowly this week but I find it very disheartening. Last week just on Hills Prescription Diet was brilliant - pick upable poos.
Really feel for you Atemas, my pup hasn't had the same difficulties as Red but I've been stressed out by quite regular diarrhoea and watch every poo now like a hawk!! I really hope it sorts itself out. It's tough on you AND Red.
What is the protein source in the Hills Prescription food? I wonder if you could try a new kibble with the same protein as the food she seems to be ok on. There are also online places you can buy Hills a lot cheaper than at the vets -you don't need a prescription (despite the name) as it's a food not a medicine.
Just taken my older dog to the Vets and the vet nurse who I saw with Red came to speak to me. She said stool sample had come back and there are no nasty bugs but thatI must see the vet. So I will head buck with her shortly.
Whilst at vets with older dog, vet nurse came and spoke to me. Said Red's stool sample had come back and was ok but I should see vet as Red may have allergies. So back I went with Red. Vet checked her over and said all was ok e.g. Temperature, hydrated, tummy feeling fine. Have got to give her yet another wormer for 3 days this time, stick to the Hills diet food for the time being and see how she goes. If diarrhoea persists will need to do a 3 stool sample next. Red has been most unpuppy like today - very tired and unbouncy.
I wasnt able to read all of the posts but are you training your pup after they have eaten? I always train before I feed my pup so he is hungry. I use kibble for routine things and save the good stuff (turkey) for when Im teaching him something new. Labs are notorious for having big appetites and are usually food motivated. Sounds like youre changing foods too much. Also, feeding your pup too much food will lead to loose stools. Make sure you ration out the meals based on the food you use for training. Anyway, good luck!
No I don't train Red after she has eaten - it varies really but her off lead walk is always before we go home for her last meal of the day. I have an older Lab so am aware that they just love their food. I am following Vets advice on food at the moment following a massive bout of diarrhoea recently. Vet saw her yesterday so I know I am not over feeding.
Oh dear poor Red and poor you. I really hope that this gets sorted for you quickly. Sounds like you are doing everything you can, and here's hoping that on Hills Red's tummy settles back down for both of you x
Everytime, I feel that things are improving, there's a set back. Red has been on the Hills I/d diet following nasty diarrhoea. On vet's advice started her yesterday transitioning to Hills Puppy food. This morning, two bouts of horrendous diarrhoea!! Just like a few weeks ago when tried to change diet on Vets advice. Really really upset me as hate this happening to her. Fortunately my vet has just phoned me in response to a 'what should I do' call to the practice. She has said to carry on with the i/d diet and pro-kaolin again. She is going to speak to the Hills rep about longer term use of i/d and maybe trying again to switch but not now. She says at least there is a food that suits her. My feelings precisely. She has been absolutely fine on the i/d. She may need further tests. I do notice she scratches herself a lot - nothing visible on her skin - this is an observation I have made to the vet and the vet nurse but they just say not to give her attention when she is scratching which I don't - just wonder if it's a factor. Hey ho!
Sorry to hear @Atemas that you've had another setback, poor little Red, yes must very upsetting for you to deal with this again. Yes at least now you know there is a food that suits her. You have my sympathy.
I`m so sorry about this awful recurring problem , it must wear you down terribly , truly hope that you have the answer x
Red had 5 bad diarrhoea episodes yesterday - I gave her lunch and tea just the i/d food and pro kolin. She slept well last night and has had a very long sleep this morning and after a walk is asleep again. These diarrhoea bouts wear her out - bless her. Anyway, this morning her poo was back to normal - sigh of relief. So for the time being, we stick with the i/d. That's twice now I have tried on the Vets advice to switch - both times with horrible effects.
Have a look at the ingredients of the two foods and see what the differences are. Might help you if you are looking for another food to transition Red to. I hope you an settle on a suitable food soon, for both yoursakes.
oh no poor little Red and poor you - @edzbird has said what I would suggest, check what differences are in the two foods it could be an allergy to an ingredient in the new foods. Fingers crossed your vet can get to the bottom (sorry) of this issue with your little girl. Hugs to both of you from me and licks from Bailey x
Phew. Really feel for you both. It's so rotten, hope you find the answer. Seems good advice from @edzbird and @Samantha Jones.
After we discovered Charlie's chicken intolerance, we had him on Royal Canin SC21, a prescription diet which the vet had put him on as part of an exclusion diet (it's duck and tapioca). He is still on it 3.5 years later. There was no reason to switch, he has extra supplements for omega 3 (and other things related to joints) but we just kept him on the food that suited him. He has regular bloods tests and very frequent vet monitoring and the verdict is always that he's in great nick. And solid poos!
What an ordeal. You must feel quite wrung out, you poor thing. I'm sorry if I've missed it earlier in the thread but why is the vet wanting you to switch to the non-prescription food? Is it because the vet wants her on a puppy food? I would be trying to stick with the prescription food if it is the only thing that agrees with her. Here's to a future filled with solid poos...