Every morning I let packer out ,he returns covered in dirt from rolling around in it , I have to beat him off like a rug before he comes inside ,I would really like to break this habit
I wouldn't feel too guilty about it-- the belief that dogs are unclean is common in non-Western cultures. Many (not all) Muslims believe dogs to be unclean and it is against their religion to have them in their homes. So approximately one billion people feel similarly to you! The main thing, though, is that basically all living things are dirty. When people begin to get anxiety about dirt and germs, they tend to focus on areas they conceive as dirty, ignoring genuinely dirty things. (You may have heard that telephones are actually more germ-ridden than toilet seats, which is true... But isn't it funny how some people insist on covering toilet seats with paper covers while using phones without fear?) Anxiety and science don't match up, in other words. Kodi nox