Distructive 7 month old Labrador

Discussion in 'Labrador Training' started by buzad, Jan 14, 2021.

  1. buzad

    buzad Registered Users

    Jan 14, 2021
    hello everyone, I have a 7 month old Labrador Retriever who suddenly started breaking things down. He wasn't very destructive in the beginning, he used to chew some sneakers but I was able to stop that after a couple of weeks. Recently he started breaking things down when he is alone in the garden. I am home alone for the majority of the morning, as my parents are at work and I have online school, and often I will wake up and let him do his things in the garden as I have my classes. But this week he started chewing everything outside, from little trees I have in the garden to the carpets in front of the door. I try to tell him that this isn't a appropriate behavior, talking to him and showing the damage he caused, and he seems to understand as he lets his ears to fall and looks down into the ground. But the next day he is again there breaking things. I don't know whether is a boredom problem, because I try to play with him as much as I can (might it be insufficient?) , and I will take him for a walk in the afternoon. Since he was little I have never put him into crates as he was pretty calm. Another thing is that whenever the kitchen door is open and no one is in the surroundings, he will sneak into the rubbish bins and grab some kind of cheese boxes or plastic bottles to chew and lick. And whenever I take him for walks he is VERY excited, he sniffs every single meter and doesn't want to go until he has finished sniffing something. At home he is pretty trained, he knows how to stop walking whenever I ask, he knows how to come to me, but in the public he is another dog.
  2. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    I can assure you that he does not understand. He knows that you are cross with him, but has not got the foggiest idea why.
    A 7 month old puppy should not be left unattended anywhere that's not safe for them.
    Could you take him for a walk in the morning before school the have him in you room while you work with something to chew to entertain him.
    A puppy left alone will find his own entertainment and likely as not, it will not be something you want him doing.
    Puppies have an equivalent of developing children; something called 'optimal stimulation'; they are programmed to interact with their environments to learn, you cannot expect him to just sit nicely outside.
    Joy and Edp like this.
  3. buzad

    buzad Registered Users

    Jan 14, 2021
    All right, thank you
  4. vremlh

    vremlh Registered Users

    Jan 19, 2021
    A puppy left alone will find his own entertainment and likely as not, it will not be something you want him doing.
  5. vremlh

    vremlh Registered Users

    Jan 19, 2021
    A puppy left alone will find his own entertainment and likely as not, it will not be something you want him doing.

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