I know that people have posted about their female 7 month olds going into heat, do males do the same? Do they have behavior changes?
No, they don’t Same all year round. Some can get pretty excited if they detect a bitch in season but that’s a different story.
It is something I’ve wondered about, if hormones surge at specific times. My boy was definitely more “mounty” when he was around 2 yo. I suppose not as time-bound as being on heat, but it did seem he was more mounty in his prime. He’s now 6 yo and less rearing to go.
That’s kind of an age thing though, not a cyclical thing. Also, mounting other dogs is more about play and mounting things (blankets, cushions, toys) is more about frustration/over-tiredness/general agitation. Mounting things other than in-season bitches is generally not a sexual behaviour.
@Oberon Aspen will hump any blanket I have on me in the evening when we are watching TV or doing homework (or something quiet) before bed, and he will hump! Is this because he is over-tired? At this age, (7 months) he will go and lay down, but often times seems high-wired and energetic at night. We normally just keep him up with us because he is lounging around and we didn't think he still had to go to bed early. Should he be going to bed earlier as he is humping, which I didn't know was a sign of being over-tired?
I kind of think of it as being like that state where you’re really tired but also a bit wired and feel like you need to do something. But you really need to sleep. It can also be most likely to happen when the humans are occupied with human things and - shock, horror - aren’t entertaining the dog. Our dog Obi humps the cushions when he gets home from daycare. Basically the situation above. I’d try a short training session (5-10mins) before those times when you know he’s likely to get humpy and then give him the chance to sleep somewhere quiet. The brief training session should help to mop up any residual energy. Or you can just try going straight for the crate - give both a try and see what works
Male dog hormones DO surge as testosterone builds sometime after 6 months, peaks around 11 months and wanes right back down to adulthood usually by around 2 years. In my experience the dogs themselves are mostly unaware of this but other dogs, male, female, neutered or not, but mostly intact other older males, can really take exception to this. REad at Puppy License to Misbehave about half way down in the link. http://www.dogstardaily.com/training/dog-communication
Bailey will get very playful - throwing his stuffed toys around - he will then select one, run around with that one again throwing it around, pouncing on it, chewing on it then it is taken to a comfy spot and "shown a good time" he will then crash out snoring for the rest of the evening.
I have Penny and at 6 months she does it with her bedding. I didnt think females did it i just have to distract her. Although i think at this age they are crazier than normal
Lucky (unneutered) went through a phase around 12 months of trying to hump my boyfriend's leg, but only if he was wearing a particular pair of slippers! The slippers were put away, and the humping stopped. He can wear the slippers now without being humped, so Lucky either forgot how much he liked the slippers or grew out of it. Lucky used to hump other dogs alot, because of overexcitement, but at the moment (3.5yrs) he rarely does it.