Since I mentioned in one of my posts about the 'no' word and joining in all the conversations about it, 'no' keeps slipping out of my mouth I must stop it because you'll be pleased to know, it doesn't make the slightest difference to Dexter, he just doesn't understand it He probably would if I really shouted it in an emergency, so I'll save it for that and mind my choice of words very carefully in the mean time
Mais oui, parce qu'elle est française ! When we first collected Juno she didn't understand English and her little face watching the tv (uk tv by satellite) that evening was so funny In preparation for her joining us I had printed out a sheet of the most common cues in French to make sure we didn't confuse her
I live that blog post from Denise Fenzi. So refreshingly normal I say no....loads. it's rubbish training though cos it doesn't work. Most married comms are handled silently. I'd win trials for quiet handling hehehe
Bwahahaha! Whenever I say AH-AH! in training it ALWAYS makes thing worse. I say no all the time as in "Charlie, no, leave it, Charlie, really, leave the log basket alone, Charlie! No, leave it I really mean it....Charlie...... Give, thank you". And then I put the log basket on top of the TV. I rarely say No! in training though. AH-AH is my hard to get rid of habit! I do wish I could get rid of it although I think I'm a lot better. I am able to, because I NEVER do it at SWMBO's. I only did it once there.....
I'm still having no or na ha slip out, it's not very often (famous last words ) I'm not worrying over it any more though as he usually stops to look at me after and I can then redirect him. When I was worrying about it I seemed to use it more.