This summer I discovered Valkyrie's passion it is DOCK JUMPING!! I took him down to the lake one day to play fetch and he ran down the dock and jumped in the water and that was that. No holding him back. This summer I am going to go to competitions with him. I signed up last summer but my son ended up with lymes and I couldn't go.
DSCN4662 by Vendetta 2008, on Flickr DSCN4658 by Vendetta 2008, on Flickr DSCN4685 by Vendetta 2008, on Flickr DSCN4683 by Vendetta 2008, on Flickr
Look at those flappy ears go! Good luck with the comps come summer. Some dogs get crazy distance, it's incredible.
It is so much fun. I can not wait for the ice to be off the lakes so we can get back to our fun. Really hoping that boy gets a title this summer.
Beautiful dog. She looks like she could be a contender. We went to a practice day with Tilly, but she ended up getting an ear infection afterwards, maybe unrelated to the Cascade Dock Dog Pond. We practiced some on local docks Our first Lab, Ginger, would not jump off anything to get into the water, she had to walk in, though once there, she would swim for miles. Tilly, our 2nd Lab would jump off the dock, but she always ran down and kind of paused to be sure we hadn't drained the water out since her last jump. She would only get about 5' We haven't tried with Cooper, though I would not be surprised if she were a serious jumper.
My Marley just discovered water this week in the form of a mud puddle now I can't keep her out of any water she sees, she is crazy for water now. I can't wait to take her down to a pond this summer.