In response to the research Rachael (@Oberon) posted earlier, about a mutated gene in some of our Labs, I thought it might be interesting to have some completely scientific ( ) research of our own to see how our forum dogs stack up. Since this research is about Labs, I think it makes sense to restrict answers to only full Labs, agree? So, the original post is here: And the question is, does it seem that your dog has no "off switch" when it comes to eating? Would it eat even when it should be full? If you can think of other answers, I'll add them
My answer is my dog has never had the opportunity to find out. I've never put down more food than he needed and, wonder of wonders, he hasn't gotten into any on his own.
I suppose the answer could be based on what you believe, rather than what you've witnessed. Does he look at you with interest if you're preparing food when he's eaten his dinner? Do you think he'd eat another bowl if you put it out? I'll split it out now.
LOL, I'll tell you one thing that bothers the heck out of me. I can eat my meal, my snack, my apple in peace; there's no looking, drooling, waiting in expectation. The OH however, different story. So if it was OH preparing food (fat chance, well it would be eggs) then the dog would be mightily interested. So we need a fifth question; "How mean are you about food?" LOL, kidding.
Our first Lab, Ginger would eat pretty much what ever she could. She was a 4 year old rescue. We started her out as a free feeder, and quickly realized that it was not a good idea. Tilly was a free feeder for years. We made sure she usually had kibble in her bowl. She would eat a little, stop and come back when she wanted. She got to be a few lbs over weight, but only about 4lbs and only when she was 9 or 10. We have always noticed that the "Best" dog food was other dogs food. When Tilly goes to our neighbor's house the first thing she would do is to check out their food dish, and eat all of it. Their Sammys would do the same thing at our house. We had to go to set portions for Tilly when we got Cooper, because Cooper would eat whatever Tilly left. At this point, I don't think Cooper has an "Off" switch for eating. She has gotten "double helpings" a number of times. Years ago I had an Alaskan Malamute who was also a free feeder. I don't think he particularly liked kibble, and only ate what it took to keep him in shape.
Harley loves eating, but if I give her a treat and she's full up she goes and burys it u til the next day! So, I think she would stop eating when she was full up! Or am I being optimistic!
I've cast my vote on what I think Dexter would do and as he only ever refuses food as a reward when the other option is a ball, I would guess he'd may well keep eating once full.
I am pretty sure that Obi would keep eating and I am 100% sure that my first Lab, Nicolae, would have. For his birthday one year we gave him a whole raw chicken (a pretty large one) and he ate it all up pretty fast and then looked for more.
Never tested it. Lilly only gets 100g of food each meal and its a small quantity (sorry Charlie ) She has rarely stolen food but will graze on available "free range food". I couldn't imagine her being full. Oh wait - she ONCE refused food but she wasn't well with D&V......
Whoops sorry I voted before I read the stipulation about Labs only. Which makes sense, of course! Just take one vote off the "male lab would continue eating" pile.
But Simba is the forum's star performer when it comes to uninhibited consumption of foodstuffs Tatze owns the non-foodstuff category.