When Rue's being naughty and grabs a kleenex or wrapper, etc. out of the trash, and she knows I know she has it, she will stand/sit really still , avoid eye contact, and act like she doesn't have anything in her mouth. "Nothing to see here, Mom ...I'm being perfect." They learn so quickly......
Re: Does your pup do this? she used to, she now stares at me as if to say "yeah I've got it, whaddya gonna to do about it" whilst having the posture of a dog that will leg it as soon as I get close.
Re: Does your pup do this? i am guessing it is because paper is basically wood pulp and they are hooked on wood. So, yes, Molly is still down the waste paper basket every chance she gets, which is why they are up on tables work surfaces etc.
Re: Does your pup do this? Haha! Luna does the opposite. She'll take something that she isn't supposed to take, and then run away with it to play the "chase me" game. We have to bribe her with something else that she CAN chew, so that we can get the naughty item away from her.
Re: Does your pup do this? Baileys like Luna, have to bribe! He's dumb! The minute he gets something he shouldn't ! Trot trot, tail up full mast ! Like " whey heh hey have summit I shouldn't "