Does your puppy sleep in your bed?

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by andreasjuuls, Jan 28, 2015.


Does your puppy sleep in your bed?

  1. Yes - and I think it has a positive effect on our relationship and my ability to train him

    0 vote(s)
  2. Yes - and I think it has a neutral effect on our relationship and my ability to train him

    0 vote(s)
  3. Yes - although I think it has a bad effect on my ability to train him -- but I do not care

    0 vote(s)
  4. No - in no way my dog should be in my bed

    0 vote(s)
  5. Yes or no for other reason

    0 vote(s)
  1. Loopyloo30

    Loopyloo30 Registered Users

    Feb 24, 2014
    Re: Does your puppy sleep in your bed?

    No chance here. Bob's place is in his crate downstairs in the kitchen! FOREVER! MWAH HA HA!
  2. Hollysdad

    Hollysdad Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Oct 13, 2013
    Re: Does your puppy sleep in your bed?

    [quote author=Loopyloo30 link=topic=9701.msg140361#msg140361 date=1422542962]
    No chance here. Bob's place is in his crate downstairs in the kitchen! FOREVER! MWAH HA HA!
    Until Bob decides otherwise :)
  3. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: Does your puppy sleep in your bed?

    No dogs upstairs ! ;)

    Except when OH decides I need a spaniel wake up call :eek:
  4. LoraChu

    LoraChu Registered Users

    Jan 26, 2015
    Re: Does your puppy sleep in your bed?

    My entire experiance of owning dogs has never included them being in bedrooms. My dad's gundogs were outdoor dogs, and my mum's two labs had their own room in our house, the utility room, more or less, where they spent nights.

    For now... Alfie is in his bed beside my bed. He settles well enough and seems happy. The goal is to eventually have him in his crate downstairs. I decided to use a slow and steady pace with getting him settled as he was only 9 weeks when I got him, compared to the 13 weeks that out previous two labs had been. Despite being a light sleeper I've been sleeping pretty well, he only wakes me up when he wants to be taken down to go outside to the loo. So this is working pretty well.

    I wouldn't consider it a plan to have him stay in my bed at any point however. I have a feeling that as he grows, so will the snores!
  5. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Re: Does your puppy sleep in your bed?

    [quote author=LoraChu link=topic=9701.msg140375#msg140375 date=1422546051]
    My entire experiance of owning dogs has never included them being in bedrooms.

    Same here - but when my Callum died, his brother Gavin (aged 15) began to suffer some separation anxiety, so I put his bed next to my bed for his last year, he couldn't do stairs by then so I had to carry him up, bless him xx

    (Good thing he wasn't a Lab! :) )
  6. Wendy68

    Wendy68 Registered Users

    Apr 14, 2014
    Re: Does your puppy sleep in your bed?

    In the past ive never had dogs on the bed, except when we used to go caravanning when they were younger, but then they got too big for that! Anyway, as we now live in a bungalow, its difficult to keep things seperate. However Izzy sleeps in her crate in the bedroom, and Archie on his bed on the floor. I let Izzy on the bed in the morning and usually have another hours sleep snuggled up together, although this morning she decided to go under the duvet, down near my knees and sleep!
  7. Petrina

    Petrina Registered Users

    Aug 28, 2014
    Re: Does your puppy sleep in your bed?

    I said no to bed! But my children when home from uni, take bailey upstairs in the morning so he sleeps on their beds and they get extra hour in bed! When I can home and caught them, they hadn't noticed
    Nighttime is still crated
  8. Bonnie

    Bonnie Registered Users

    Feb 2, 2015
    Re: Does your puppy sleep in your bed?

    I'd just moved into a house with a cream bedroom and fluffy cream carpet so I didn't want to have Bonnie in the bedroom for that reason. Although having had dogs in the past, I did wonder if this decision could be a stayer! However, the stairs are also really steep so that sealed the decision: I didn't want her trying to get up and down the stairs when her little puppy bones were still forming.

    The decision wasn't a popular one!!!

    One baby gate didn't work (the staircase is wide) so we now have two baby gates, strung together with a belt and cushions all round the area! ;D A little black head kept getting stuck in the banister :) and the first cord I used for tying the gates together, mysteriously disappeared the first time I left Bonnie in the house alone. (It later turned up, chewed to bits, in someone's crate! ;))

    The sofa is a different matter. ??? That's now Bonnie's bed and I'm occasionally allowed to share it! :)
  9. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Does your puppy sleep in your bed?

    Oh I always laugh at these threads because I was the BIGGEST defender of the sofa and bed area against Labrador invasion......there was absolutely no way it was ever going to happen!!!!!
    Dexter now lies between us every night in bed ( I'm a light sleeper.....he hardly moves Fiona.....just sayin' ;D)
    here is a picture of our new couch a few days after it arrived.......

    [​IMG]image by dexterpops02, on Flickr

    And then one of the 'Victor' himself ....although he looks a bit perturbed by the new arrangement ......

    [​IMG]image by dexterpops02, on Flickr

    Think he preferred it without the cover although he's got used to it now ;D

    Resistance is futile...I say give in now ;D ;D ;D ;D
  10. Bonnie

    Bonnie Registered Users

    Feb 2, 2015
    Re: Does your puppy sleep in your bed?

    Oh that's adorable!!! 8) What a brilliant idea. And it looks so smart!

    I'm marvelling at the trinkets on the table too! I've lost several coasters and a novel to some lovely little bite marks. Like her mum, Bonnie loves to devour a good book! ;) Can't leave anything on the table..... yet!
  11. AnnetteB

    AnnetteB Registered Users

    Dec 26, 2013
    Re: Does your puppy sleep in your bed?

    Love it! What a great idea. I might have to borrow that one. A Milly and a Milo one:)

    As for the lovely ornament etc on the coffee table, Milly wouldn't touch it with her mouth but that tail would make short work of them all lol.
  12. Kirriegirl

    Kirriegirl Registered Users

    Mar 28, 2014
    Re: Does your puppy sleep in your bed?

    In general, no, but if we are having a weekend lie-in we put a throw over the bed and she is allowed up. When I was ill in bed recently she did come up a couple of times and also if OH is away with work she will sometimes come through in the morning, but then there is plenty of room for her to be there without encroaching on my side!
    I just can't cope with the lack of space - I get leg claustrophobia if the duvet is pinned down by 24kg of black wriggler! ;D

    Impressed by your immaculate sitting room Angela :eek:
  13. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Re: Does your puppy sleep in your bed?

    [quote author=Dexter link=topic=9701.msg141805#msg141805 date=1423132183]
    I'm a light sleeper.....he hardly moves Fiona.....just sayin' ;D

    Two. I have TWO! And I do wriggle around like a fish on a hook, so would be constantly jostling them. So.... still no ;)
  14. Kirriegirl

    Kirriegirl Registered Users

    Mar 28, 2014
    Re: Does your puppy sleep in your bed?

    [quote author=snowbunny link=topic=9701.msg141864#msg141864 date=1423145947]
    [quote author=Dexter link=topic=9701.msg141805#msg141805 date=1423132183]
    I'm a light sleeper.....he hardly moves Fiona.....just sayin' ;D

    Two. I have TWO! And I do wriggle around like a fish on a hook, so would be constantly jostling them. So.... still no ;)

    Two is definitely unthinkable. One is only acceptable when I'm not trying to sleep!
  15. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Does your puppy sleep in your bed?

    Dogs in the bed?? Absolutely NOT. :eek:


    Well, maybe sometimes....... ::)
  16. Kirriegirl

    Kirriegirl Registered Users

    Mar 28, 2014
    Re: Does your puppy sleep in your bed?

    Fab photo. That's a pup who has definitely 'won' and knows it! ;D
  17. sunsetpines

    sunsetpines Registered Users

    Nov 12, 2014
    Re: Does your puppy sleep in your bed?

    [quote author=snowbunny link=topic=9701.msg141864#msg141864 date=1423145947]
    [quote author=Dexter link=topic=9701.msg141805#msg141805 date=1423132183]
    I'm a light sleeper.....he hardly moves Fiona.....just sayin' ;D

    Two. I have TWO! And I do wriggle around like a fish on a hook, so would be constantly jostling them. So.... still no ;)

    LOL...about 20 years ago :eek: My husband and I had 3....yes 3....40ish pound cattle dogs (red heelers) that slept on the bed with us - queen size bed.... we all learned to claim our spot and just stay put. ::)

    My last labby cross girl Izzy was about 85 pounds and was a FULL body contact kind of dog...and she was also afraid of falling off the bed ;D ;D ;D So she would sleep between us spoon fashion...and if there was no "between" available, she would lay on top of us and create a between. ::)

    Bella has been a bed dog from the beginning of course, and she settles in several spots - sometimes my pillow, sometimes at hubby sfeet, and often in between us.

    I'm not sure how to sleep without a dog on the bed. ;D
  18. npcarpenter

    npcarpenter Registered Users

    Jul 15, 2014
    Re: Does your puppy sleep in your bed?

    My two sleep on the bed when they're in the house and I'm in the bedroom (possibly avoiding the hubby's stinky cooking or bad taste in TV shows ;D), but they sleep in their own beds on the floor beside our bed at night. I tried having them on the bed, but they take up so much space! And they fart! And they kick! And they snore! If they're doing all this in their own beds, I can bury myself under the covers till it's safe. They can be painfully adorable though, when all snuggled in...

    [​IMG]Whose bed is it? by carpenternp, on Flickr
  19. Lee Bell

    Lee Bell Registered Users

    Jan 1, 2015
    Re: Does your puppy sleep in your bed?

    no we don't share our bed either Indy is happy in his crate downstairs and will take himself off to bed- to be fair he is still a bit little for upstairs so we get our bed freedom for now until he can master the stairs. He can get up great but cant get down.
  20. CDM

    CDM Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2014
    Re: Does your puppy sleep in your bed?

    [quote author=Lee Bell link=topic=9701.msg143069#msg143069 date=1423667279]
    no we don't share our bed either Indy is happy in his crate downstairs and will take himself off to bed- to be fair he is still a bit little for upstairs so we get our bed freedom for now until he can master the stairs. He can get up great but cant get down.

    I wouldn't be letting him climb stairs at his age, I am still carrying Bella due to all the issues with the impact on developing joints and bones...I've been advised to avoid stairs and climbing as much as poss until she's 1..

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