Hi, my 1 year lab is not getting enough exercise due to a leg injury I have. I am thinking of getting one of these from my pup, she a working dog after all and it maybe a few more months before I can walk again. They are pricey but she is worth it. Any thoughts on this idea?
Hi @Blaine, I'm not clear. Do you mean a dog treadmill? I don't see how a dog cart is going to give the dog exercise independent of you. But above all, I don't understand why you don't just hire a one-on-one dog walker. With a cart or treadmill you will have to teach a new skill, while she forgoes the exercise.
I'm with Michael. I think a treadmill would be even more boring for a dog than it is for a person. Dogs walk to see, smell and hear things. At least we can look at the read out, and maybe watch TV.
Maybe cheaper to hire a dog walker for an hour a day. Have you got a garden you can play fetch and hide treats ext.
If that is the case, then I'm certainly against this idea. If the Lab needs a work out, then get a walker to take the dog for a swim.
I dont think the dog cart is a good idea. first of all, it sounds expensive, second i think your dog would need to get used to it and you would have to train your dog alot. If your dog sees a squirril and darts for it while you are in the cart, it is a safety hasard. it is probably easier to just hire a dog walker.
I do not think it’s a good idea either. The one in the video has a Rottweiler pulling the cart. That’s a powerful breed. I have a Mastiff that would enjoy it, but he’s 200lbs. Labs may be working dogs but not that kind of work.