so tilly needs more roughage than ever in her diet now to help with anal glands she currently has sweet potatoes broccli sprouts and cabbage brown rice and sometimes meat only small portions as shes dieting ! the vet said that is all brilliant what else could i add i enjoy cooking for her lol, just wondering what else thnx
By roughage I automatically think of bran! I can remember my mother giving me All Bran as a youngster when bowels were a little off. Can't imagine that a spoonful sprinkled on her dinner would do any harm and it's very cheap to buy.
Dogs are pretty much carnivores -although not in the same way as cats are, and no doubt they evolved pretty much as scavengers so vegetable matter included etc. But they need meat, and predominantly meat, in their diet - not veggies. For a dog with anal gland problem, I'd be looking to make sure that poos are firm etc. I wouldn't be looking at vegetables to do that, I'd first try swapping meat protein sources. And if all meat kibble failed, I'd try feeding raw meaty bones. I just don't see that increasing veggies in a diet of a carnivore can be all that good....
I wouldn't add anymore vegetables then that you don't won't to make her to gasy that wouldn't we comfortable for her either ! I think if she does ok with all that then I would leave it like that!
I think if your dogs like the extra veggies and fruit in there food go for it ! But some dogs don't care for it so I wouldn't force it on it ! Regardless of what diet you have them on they need there protein!
I know meat is important , don't wanna give her loads of meat incase it's fatty Is their any alternatives?
Honestly might just stick to her new dry weight control food didn't have any anal glands problems then lol
An alternative to meat for dogs? No. They are basically carnivores. Meat is a valuable protein source for dogs - the amount of fat it has is variable depending.... There is nothing wrong with sticking to feeding a good quality kibble in reduced quantities if that's what you prefer to feed. Certainly, your dog needs nothing else, and while you are trying to get the weight off her that might be the easiest thing.