Just wondering does anyones have a dog that produces a fair bit of sleep? His eyes seem fine but every morning theres a fair bit of sleep from Rolos eyes which i have to wipe away each time. Its slightly green but nothing too colourful. Hes always has a little bit but lately it seems more
Coco has a tiny bit, every morning but it's plain white. If it's green it probably indicates infection. I would have Rolo checked out by a vet just to be on the safe side. In addition - cold used tea bags can be soothing and helpful. Coco once had an infection, he had drops from the vet which cleared it, but it started to come back after he'd finished his 5 day course. I used tea bags to wipe his eyes and it cleared properly.
Ella used to have slightly droopy eyes as a puppy and often had a bit of sleep in them. It was always clear or white though. I'd be a little cautious with green though. I think eye issues can potentially get nasty quite quickly so a vet trip might be needed.
Stanley gets eye gunk pretty much every time he's been asleep. But it's always white. I'd maybe give the vets a ring and see what they say
I`m afraid I am absolutely paranoid where eyes are concerned , my last little rescue had what started off as an infection but turned into a Melting Ulcer which needed emergency surgery and a cornea transplant . I don't wish to scare you , its just how I am where eyes are concerned , so if it is getting worse , I would definitely see a Vet, its more than likely a simple infection, but better to be safe x
White with my dogs too, green is not normal and could indicate and infection so best to get it checked out. x
Plum's eyes are full of gunk every morning, far more than any dog I've ever had or looked after, but it's not green. She has got a problem with her eyes though, and is currently under the vets for monitoring.
Yes, Cassie has sleep under her eyes in the morning, but white. I think indicates it needs checking out.
Thanks everyone Vet call first thing in the morning. I hope nothinf too serious he HATES HATES anything near his eyes.
I think you`re being very sensible indeed , poor love wont like it, but its for the best, good luck x
Tilly has droopy lower lids like a blood hound. She used to have goo in her eyes quite often, and we treated it with something from the vet, but it didn't seem to make much difference. A year or so ago, she seemed to have a skin infection in the folds of skin under her chin. Per the vet we treated it with an anti bacterial ointment, and her eyes (as well as her chin) cleared up. The vet was surprised, but it has worked every time since. We just put the ointment on her chin, not her eyes. If anyone cares, I'll find the medicine and post what it is.
Homer usually has a little bit of sleep in his eyes every morning with hubby wipes away as part of his morning cuddles and play routine. This week he has had quite a bit of watery tears, and his one eye has been a bit droopy but has cleared up over the weekend. I think he may be suffering from mild Hayfeaver at the moment. Discoloured, yellow or green gunk that lasted more that a day or two I would get checked out.
Rolos eyes could also be affected by seasonal changes. There is a lot of pollen around at the moment, so if he is prone to a bit of sleep in his eyes, these could be exacerbated by the weather.
Vet appointment is tomorrow guys the vet asked me to send some images this morning and once I did just said not emergency but bring him in it may be hayfever by the sounds of it. Ill keep you all posted thanks so much