I think you are very kind and doing a great job, hopefully Hattie will learn to trust him if his behaviour round her continues to improve. Even more hope that his owner will start to be kinder to him.
I'm sure Hattie will regain her confidence with this poor boy - she is well trained and he does sound as of he is trying hard to win her over. Just a question of time for her to relax around him and accept his invitation
Thank you Mags and Rosemary, I appreciate your kind words It's so unlike Hattie but I think all will be well given time. I feel so sad for this boy I really do it's so lovely to see him wagging his tail and looking at me for treats. x x
Bit of a breakthrough then Helen , good for you and Hattie too for being tolerant when others might not have been , I`m sure she will learn to relax again and he, hopefully will learn to play nicely xx
Thanks Karen, Fingers crossed! x Thanks Kate, he is a rescue boy so I do understand so Hattie and I will remain tolerant. It breaks my heart x
Have just been catching up on all this. Sadly there are many people who think by hitting or hurting their dogs is the way to make them behave! it beggars belief it really does. It is so very sad. With your caring and thoughtful approach fingers crossed the dear dogs do become 'friends' and the owner takes not - although I doubt he will, that sort never do - they always know best!
Great to hear the progress you have made, hopefully once this dog settles and realises what a great experience you offer, Hattie will be more eager to play. Hope the owner is taking note of a better way to handle his dog too.
Thank you, I really hope so @Diana and @Newbie Lab Owner, I really do. I'm trying to keep the faith but it's really tough some days. x
Just thought I would update this thread. I have met this dog and his owner out quite a few times over the last few months and I am happy to say things have really improved (touch wood). I see the dog pop Hattie on lead and so does the other owner, we walk towards each other and his dog always looks at me and comes to me for a treat and a fuss, we chat for a minute then let them off lead. He sniffs Hattie not for too long so that's good and they ignore each other and off we go. Hattie is not interested in playing with this boy but I'm not surprised after he attacked her a few times but all is calm and he is learning that good behaviour means a good treat from me but sadly not from his owner but I suppose that doesn't matter. Hattie as always remains tolerant and doesn't give him any eye contact and only good calming signals So really happy that he is behaving and not getting hit by his owner so that's a result for him and me. xxx
Good to hear that progress continues with this poor dog. Hope Hattie gets a good treat for working her magic
Well you never know one day, he does watch but I doubt it would make a difference to his approach to his dog, he's 'old school' x
Just a lovely update. A little kindness goes a long way. I know Casper reacts terribly when people shout at him if he barks, this would very quickly turn to a tail wag if they just had a soothing voice and a friendly expression.
I just don't understand how you can give a rescue dog a home and then treat it this way If you could see his face and his waggy tail when he sees me, it makes all the difference to him to be made a real fuss of, I just wish his owner could see it or maybe he doesn't want to. Casper would not only get a soothing voice, friendly expression from me but lots of fuss and lovely treats too xx
Spoke too soon Yesterday I was coming up the track round the corner and there was this dog OFF lead and his owner chatting on his phone. I made a snap decision not to put Hattie on lead as I didn't want to put her in a non flight situation, not sure if I did the right thing? The dog lay down whilst Hattie didn't look at him and gave him a wide berth by curving into the field but no he ran at her cutting her off, chased her growling and snapping at her legs, luckily he didn't make contact as Hattie is fast, she ran straight back to me and he immediately backed off. His owner then decided it was time to end his call His dog came up to me and looked at me so I did give him a treat because they were both still off lead and he ignored Hattie, hope that was the right thing to do? He did apologise but I said I didn't want to take any chances so could he always put his dog on lead when he sees us, he agreed. I don't know how to ever make any progress if this is how the owner behaves let alone the dog xxx
So sorry to hear that Helen as you had been making good progress with this dog. I have to admit that I have a major problem with anyone using a phone while walking their dog. You can not focus on your dog and your conversation. Thankfully the dog didn't make contact with Hattie and she had the sense to run to you and he didn't continue with the bad behaviour. I guess there could be something going on around his reading of body language, mistook Hattie for another dog? I think giving him a treat was OK as that is what you normally do and he wasn't misbehaving at that point. Fingers crossed that his owner keeps to his word on keeping him on lead.