Down at the pond yesterday - badly behaved dogs, but owners worse...

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by Karen, Aug 7, 2015.

  1. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    It's very very hot here in Germany at the moment - over 35 degrees, too hot to be walking the dog. So yesterday afternoon we drove Pops to a nearby pond, taking her favourite dummy-ball-on-a-rope with us.

    There was a young and exuberant chocolate lab there, splashing and playing with a chocolate flat coat, who promptly swam over from the other side and stole the dummy ball. No problem, I just waited for the owners to get it back for me - because you'd think they'd do that, wouldn't you?? No, they just watched their dogs playing happily with our ball, for about ten minutes. :rolleyes: Eventually I had to go and get it from them myself - which is when the fun started.

    Once I had managed to get the ball back from them (which was not easy), both dogs started leaping up at me - they were both sopping wet and dirty, as well as being big boisterous dogs! After I'd had big wet feet planted on my chest for the third time, I politely asked the owner to please put his dog on the lead - he refused... At that moment I turned around and noticed his wife sneakily giving Poppy dog biscuits from her pocket!! I was really cross, but she just didn't understand what my problem was, and told me the situation was my fault for bringing a ball to the pond, which was over-exciting their dogs... :eek: I took Poppy and the ball and walked round to the other side of the pond - but the young choccie followed me, ignoring his owner's whistles and calls and jumping up at me all the time and making me even wetter and muddier. Eventually I put him on Poppy's lead and took him back to the owner, who neither thanked me nor apologized, but just said 'you know, he's just a baby'...

    I am very tolerant of young dogs jumping up and misbehaving, and when I go to the pond I expect to get wet and muddy, and to have our ball nicked. But I was very disappointed that they did NOTHING to stop the dogs - I mean, how is that young dog going to learn that jumping on people is not ok, unless he is taught otherwise? And what if I had been elderly, or a child, holding the ball??? And who on earth gives dogs treats without checking with the owner first??? As I said to the woman, she had no idea whether Poppy might be allergic to anything, for instance. And Pops is terribly greedy and I'm always trying to stop her begging, and this is just hijacking my training. Aargh. :mad:

    OK, I've got that off my chest now!!! Just needed a vent. :cool:
  2. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Ah, I have a lot of time for these kind of vents! I'm with you - there isn't much that makes me crosser than people letting their dogs run riot and bothering other people and other dogs.

    I'm also very sympathetic to people with hooligan young choccie have to be, really. :D:D:D But only so long as they are trying. Sure, we all have our failures and mistakes, but that's different than not trying to do anything about it.
  3. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    I think you need a large glass of wine!!

    My dogs can be badly behaved enough, but at least I try to do something.... and would always put them on lead if they need it. People are just odd. I learn that more and more with each passing year.
  4. David

    David Registered Users

    May 21, 2011
    And relax ........
  5. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Very bad dog park behaviour....
  6. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Sound like the worst type of owners who let their dogs run riot and have no interest in trying to control them - it's always someone else's fault. I know all our dogs have the potential to misbehave but at least we are prepared to apologise and try to stop them etc. and work hard with their training to make them good citizens. Large glass of wine is required
  7. Jane Martin

    Jane Martin Registered Users

    Apr 16, 2014
    Almost unbelievable , almost :mad:. We must all have met folk like this. What happened is really unpleasant. When that kind of thing happens to us I find that I am reluctant to go back. What I REALLY REALLY hate :mad::mad::mad: is when dogs try to mount Chepi and WORSE is the owner can't be bothered to get off the mobile phone to take control or can't be bothered to stop talking to their friend and even worse is "It's ok, he's been done". NO it's NOT ok :mad::mad::mad:. And I've had people refuse to get the ball off their dog for me saying he won't give it up once he's got it - oh that's ok then, keep it - NOT.

    But back to you, I'm impressed that you were polite for so long! Hope you have a cool night :) and that you never run into those people again and that they at least got their clothes nice and muddy.
  8. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Er...well....I do have to speak up for ball nicking dogs (since I've got one...). I do my best to stop my dog nicking balls, including keeping him on a lead and if the worse happens getting the ball off him and returning it (with him on lead). But the vast majority of pets are not steady to balls, and do chase balls belonging to other dogs. A huge amount of owners fling balls around to manage their dogs like there is no tomorrow for balls...

    So I do think consideration about balls cuts both ways. I'm perfectly happy to get my dog, put him on lead, and leave so others with dogs more sensible about balls can have the space. But I do get irate when people simply ignore the challenges this presents to me and gaily fling balls around while being annoyed that I can't get my dog.

    Like I say, consideration on all sides is a good thing....:)
  9. Pilatelover

    Pilatelover Registered Users

    Jan 20, 2015
    There are plenty of those by house, I'm learning to ignore them! some are just weird. Some people really shouldn't own dogs they have no idea.
  10. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Oh Karen,what a horrible time on a hot day,I bet you came,back more hot and bothered than when you set out ...
    As we've all been on a 'Labrador' journey I think we are all sympathetic to the misdemeanors dogs can gaily enjoy when out and about.I think the key thing is owners not doing anything ...The dogs are being dogs ,its the owners that are being irresponsible by not responding .I hate off lead dogs running over to me,especially when Dexter is on his lead frightens me a bit if I'm honest ,but I can understand it as Dexter will do exactly that it if I'm not vigilant and managing him.....but when the owners just stay way off in the distance and leave me to manage the situation and take their dog back to them it really annoys me .......and Jane I agree,this mobile phone lark while you are walking your dog ????......I love our walk times as I feel like I can legitimately be off the grid......
  11. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Not good that they didn't intervene Karen , naughty indeed . My two are also ball thieves , but I wouldn't allow them to hang onto their spoils , having said that Millie tends to leg it with her stolen ball but I always carry spares in my bag so I can give one back .
  12. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Thanks everyone, I'm feeling much more relaxed about it today - the people and dogs weren't really bad, just a bit wild (the dogs) and thoughtless (the people). Have had a much better day today with well-behaved, well-trained dogs! But thank you for letting me vent.
  13. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    To not at least try to sort out your dog's is inexcusable. I'm with you too Julie....when my dogs have shown themselves to be in fine ball nicking form why oh why do people continue to hurl balls past their noses? I have to extricate myself and my crazed dog as soon as possible :(
  14. Beanwood

    Beanwood Registered Users

    Jan 28, 2014
    Since Benson has delivered a keen drive for retrieving...( I actually thought it would never happen...:) ) We do have a problem when he sees people with ball chuckers, he just HAS to have their ball. He is very good at ignoring other dogs, but when their is a ball chucker, it is a bit too much at times.If there is water involved then I am in deep trouble, literally! I always apologise, and keep a spare new tennis ball in my bag just in case, a smile and a shiny new ball keeps most dog owners very happy! :)

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