Ear infection

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Emma Daly, Apr 12, 2022.

  1. Emma Daly

    Emma Daly Registered Users

    Dec 27, 2021
    Hi everyone,

    I was wondering if all you lab owners could help by sharing your knowledge and experience with a first time lab mum.
    Our boy Loki is now almost 7 months. We had a rocky start when we got him at 8 weeks and the poor pup never had a solid poop (soft but formed). Alarm bells were ringing. We got him from a reputable and experienced breeder and at the time we were feeding him a mix of raw and dry puopy food as per breeders advice. I mentioned to vet on 10 week visit and he didn’t seem that interested. Until I found a little blood in his stools a week or so later. Samples were sent and treatment for giardia began. Samples came back showing giardia and campylobacter. Was given a course of panaceur and probiotic paste initially followed by more probiotic paste on diagnosis. Vet also advised to stop raw food gradually and remain in dry. This was all done. Stools improved. Vet didn’t advise further treatment or ask to see him again if stools improved. Since this, he has been great. We eventually, gradually changed the brand of food he was on to tails.com food (just uk) a tailored mix which took into account his current weight, prev digestion issues etc. he settled well on this.
    Fast forward a couple months and his stools were looking a little soft so I bought some more probiotic paste over the counter at vets just to be on safe side.
    The following morning (before starting paste) I heard him scratching a lot in his crate. I have always noticed him having the odd scratch at his ears, usually before he settles for a nap but nothing that concerned me. I clean his outer ears once a week and have never noticed any bad build up or inflammation.This morning however he had drew blood on outer ear (front/side) of his face. Not a lot but definitely looked sore. I had to leave to visit family so my husband took him to vet. Vet was quite vague with hubby, mentioned of don’t clean ears can get infected. Said it could be ear mites (has not been in any water etc) could be a fungal infection/imbalance. Have him ear drops to use called surolan which from what I can see is anti fungal, antibacterial and steroid. Also gave him steroid injection for inflammation which surprised me as I didn’t think the graze looked too bad. Also advised after this treatment to use a syringe to inject a mixture of diluted vinegar and water once a week into the war to clean. Any one else used this method? I didn’t think it sounded right. I maybe just don’t have much faith in this vet since the initial delayed handling of the giardia etc. I don’t feel like he really tries to solve issues but rather guesses at what it could be and charges us a fortune for the pleasure. Am I just being paranoid? It’s he’s being a first time owner and I’ve been shocked at the lack of advice and guidance given by the vet.
    To top this off he also commented on his weight/build which I was also conscious of (he is quite small/lean) and suggested possible allergies to food. To keep an eye on it/feed more. I really don’t want to go down this route unnecessarily on a vague guess by a vet I already have little faith in.

    I guess I’m just really looking g for advice base on what you guys know and have experienced. Please, help Sorry for massive post.
  2. Ski-Patroller

    Ski-Patroller Cooper, Terminally Cute

    Feb 8, 2016
    Portland, Oregon & Mt Hood Oregon
    Tilly, our second Lab used to get ear infections. The vet thought it might be an allergy, but we never figured out to what. We used to treat it with Epi-Otic, and kept it down to a dull roar. Our other Labs and my Malamute never had an issue, and we did not normally clean their ears. I probably would consult a canine allergy specialist.

    I've often wondered if Labs with ears that lay flat against their head were more prone to ear infections than labs whose ears were more forward, like Cooper in my avatar. Just the idea that the flat ears (like the breed standard) might not dry out as well as the forward ears.
    Emma Daly likes this.
  3. CeeCee

    CeeCee Registered Users

    Mar 29, 2022
    Queensland Australia
    Hi Emma. If you are really unhappy with your current vet, is there another in your area you could try? Your current one doesn't sound like a good fit. Also a second opinion might set your mind at rest. I had a great vet for my previous dog. Unfortunately, he sold the practice and I was less than impressed with the new vet. So prior to getting my current girl, I did a bit of research of vets in my area and sought opinions from other pet owners and settled for a vet about 10 minutes from home. I couldn't be happier. He is one of the most caring vets I have ever come across and has been seeing Hills since she was was 10 weeks old. He is always available for advice and any advice he gives is well thought out and relevant. He never gives the impression of ''just guessing'''. If he is unsure, he says so and investigates further. It may pay you to look further afield and find a vet you are comfortable with. Good luck with Loki.
    Emma Daly likes this.
  4. CeeCee

    CeeCee Registered Users

    Mar 29, 2022
    Queensland Australia
    Hi Emma. If you are really unhappy with your current vet, is there another in your area you could try? Your current one doesn't sound like a good fit. Also a second opinion might set your mind at rest. I had a great vet for my previous dog. Unfortunately, he sold the practice and I was less than impressed with the new vet. So prior to getting my current girl, I did a bit of research of vets in my area and sought opinions from other pet owners and settled for a vet about 10 minutes from home. I couldn't be happier. He is one of the most caring vets I have ever come across and has been seeing Hills since she was was 10 weeks old. He is always available for advice and any advice he gives is well thought out and relevant. He never gives the impression of ''just guessing'''. If he is unsure, he says so and investigates further. It may pay you to look further afield and find a vet you are comfortable with. Good luck with Loki.
  5. Emma Daly

    Emma Daly Registered Users

    Dec 27, 2021
    Thanks for reply’s. His ears have cleared up really well and no more issues with them as yet. We had to take Loki to vets again this week as he state a daffodil luckily he was fine and I saw the same vet that my husband saw about his ears. He brought up the food thing again and actually showed genuine interest although I’m still a little unsure as to why he’s so persistent in believing there’s a sensitivity. He asked about his behaviour (which I have noticed has regressed) strange zoomies and lunging ripping clothing etc when over excited- (not often but still a concern) vet says this could be the reason so have changed protein to lamb just out of interest. Hope I’m doing the right thing. Possibly a post for another thread. Thanks again for help and info. I have got a second vet in mind - may wait it out for now.
  6. Emma Daly

    Emma Daly Registered Users

    Dec 27, 2021
    Sorry meant to say ate a daffodil!

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