Early starts

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Michelle V, Aug 18, 2021.

  1. Michelle V

    Michelle V Registered Users

    Aug 15, 2021
    Hi. This is my first post. We picked up our pup at 10 weeks. We were very fortunate that the breeder had crate trained her so she goes to bed very well. We take her out for the toilet about 11 and we don't hear anything from her until 4.30/5 is. We take her out, no lights on, no talking. We then put her back into the crate and go back to bed. However she cries. We leave her for a bit but it continues. This morning we went down again, no lights no talking. She sniffs around then settles down on my husband or floor next to him ( although she has discovered the sofa now and can get up there!) She then sleeps for another hour or so while he sleeps on sofa.
    My question is should we put her back into the crate and let her cry it out, or carry on like we are? Are we making a problem for ourselves? We don't feed her till 7am.
    We are first time dog owners so worried we are not doing things right! Me especially as I'm more nervous around her, although I am trying my best not to show it ( I find the biting hard!)
    Many thanks.
  2. Annamarie Gebar

    Annamarie Gebar Registered Users

    Jul 4, 2021
    I made the mistake of getting up with my pup at 5:30 am because honestly laying there with her barking was horrible. Her bark is loud and gives me a migraine. So now, getting her to sleep last 5:30 is difficult. She’s 16 weeks. I’d say, if I could do it again, I’d haves forced her to sleep in months ago. I’m a first time owner snd I unfortunately didn’t know better snd have reinforced some bad habit thats now more difficult to break.
    Michelle V likes this.
  3. Sukhpreet Aujla

    Sukhpreet Aujla Registered Users

    Sep 4, 2019
    As they get older they will start sleeping longer in the mornings don't worry. Also think about the lighting in their room. If light comes through easily then they will wake up with the sunrise. Even at 16 weeks you can work on this. You can look on amazon to find blackout sheeting or a crate cover. You could also try letting her settle for a few minutes outside the crate then put her back in
    Michelle V likes this.
  4. Timba

    Timba Registered Users

    Aug 22, 2021
    Hi, like you I'm not sure how to post a question - can anyone help please. We all make mistakes with our pups but there is time to rectify the situation. My pup refused to go into the pen the first night and has refused since. I can leave him whilst I go and shower, provided he is asleep, even go into the garden and he stays in the compound by the back door but I have yet to go out and leave him in the house. Every week I say to myself 'right this is the week', so don't worry it will all come right in the end. Sandra (Timba 11 weeks)
  5. Annamarie Gebar

    Annamarie Gebar Registered Users

    Jul 4, 2021
    That’s funny, my 16 week pup wakes up at 5:30 am too. I read somewhere it has to do with sunrise times when they are puppies. Not sure if it’s true! I’m hoping in a few more months she’ll learn to sleep in. I have read at least 20 other posts with the 5:30 am wake up so that’s a common problem it seems!

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