After a while you learn to be careful and leaving nothing lying around, but you also learn what will.pass through. They have amazing digestive systems and I firmly believe Midge could eat strontium 90 and think it was a nice snack. she once looked at me burped and spat a wooden chip fork at me. I don't eat that type of things so wonder we're she found it.
Quinn has swallowed several socks and always pukes them up - that doesn't make me worry any less and no clue how she keeps finding them as I am meticulous about socks anywhere she can reach or find them! The first time we went to the vet and it was a waste of $600 as she had already puked up all the socks (3-4!!).
Oh my, that is a horrid story! The bag hasn't come out yet but she's totally fine and running around like usual. I've cleared the kitchen surfaces more meticulously and tried the tip of putting lemon juice around the edge, then I tried vinegar. She licked them both quite happily!
It's amazing what you can learn to live with. My stands have got so much lower since my dogs have arrived. I think it's probably boosted my immune system though
Haha! When Snowie was a puppy we bought some bitter liquid specially designed for dogs so that they won't chew furniture. I think it just made the wood taste that much better for Snowie! Meanwhile we could never get the stuff off our hands and then -- even after washing our hands hundreds of times -- it still made our food taste awful if we used our hands in prep. So, that stuff was relegated to the back of the cupboard (don't know why we still keep it!). I was considering putting lemon juice on our bin lid because Snowie is now in the habit of inspecting the kitchen bin every evening. A new annoying habit! I wonder if he will lick the lid happily?! I'm away right now, but when I'm back I'm going to try it because one thing he won't eat is citrus (eats just about anything else).
Don't they just?! My husband and I used to be so fastidious. We laugh now when we wouldn't let my brother's kids eat when sitting on our sofas. You should see what dirt Snowie traipses in!
Xena pooped the cling wrap (hopefully all of it) on her morning walk. Fingers crossed the bag makes an appearance soon.
Huh - slightly strangely, because my dogs are general mischievous nightmares, I can't remember them eating much they shouldn't. I haven't had them eat stones, bags, leads, etc....they will eat food they find, if I'm not quick enough with a leave it,, apart from Charlie's battery chewing event - and he didn't eat the battery thank goodness - I haven't had any eating rubbish problems. Or, I've wiped them from my memory.....this post could go down as famous last words....
I'm the same. Mine (she says, smugly), haven't eaten any inedibles that I can recall. They like to shred stuff rather than eat it. Like the €10 note Willow got her paws on when she was little... Glad to hear Xena is now wrap-free!
Bailey's particular favourite is to run off with my cohesive bandage that I need for strapping my knee, and also a thin foam bandage that goes under my wrist splint (think I am slowly falling apart at the moment with a broken wrist, broken toe and a permanent dodgy knee!). Yesterday he got hold of the foam bandage and started ripping bits out of it - so now I am a very scruffy looking layer under the splint - luckily he didn't eat any of it, just spread the bits all over the kitchen floor! He is a nightmare with food on the floor but so far no wrappings digested - as @JulieT says possibly famous last words!
Well the battery incident probably took off a couple years off your life so it counts for all of these incidents all together!!