Remember that quote from Bridget Jones: "...I'd finally die, fat and alone, and be found three weeks later half-eaten by alsatians."? Well, I was sat on the floor after stroking my two bundles of fluff but they had decided it was far more fun to play bitey-face with each other than humour me. So I tried it. The voice. The one Angela (Dexter) mentioned. The highest pitch I could muster. Immediately, all inter-lab play ceased, and the two hounds raced towards me and flattened me. Properly flattened. I couldn't breathe from the tongues licking me all over my face, so I rolled onto my front. It didn't stop. Suddenly, chewing my hair and ears was the MOST FUN THING EVER! I was gasping from laughter and trying to stop Shadow eat my entire head of hair. I couldn't get up. I was completely stuck. They were walking on my head. That's when it struck me. I could be found here in weeks to come (assuming hubby forgot where he lives), half-eaten by labradors. I managed to extract myself eventually but I have learnt one thing. "The voice" is a powerful tool and not to be underestimated, certainly not by amateurs. Now, excuse me, I think I need to find an emergency hairdresser to fix the mop they've left me with...
Re: Eaten by labradors? Ha ha ha ha ha I can just picture the scramble of legs and paws! I can feel a bit ridiculous in public both about the voice .....and the result ;D
Re: Eaten by labradors? No lab would half eat anything. If it can be eaten, it will, and all of it! ;D
Re: Eaten by labradors? Oh my goodness I can picture it all too well! And - another candidate for a video! 8)
Re: Eaten by labradors? What a picture this paints ;D ;D ;D Same happens here on the rare occasions I decide to do some exercises
Re: Eaten by labradors? My hairdresser had to even up my layers after Barney had been eating I my hair! I can't help myself doing things like this even tho I know I will get pummelled by the pair of them, and if I have a ponytail in Barney will try to run off with it....ouch! I must learn to stop as they are now over 25kg each and that's a fair amount of labrador to dive bomb your head when you're laid in the floor lol
Re: Eaten by labradors? I apparently missed the original post about the voice.... and now I need details...and videos!