
Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Julie1962, Aug 24, 2014.

  1. Julie1962

    Julie1962 Registered Users

    Aug 24, 2014
    Well from the beginning, we got Elsie after our beloved Mollie (retrieverxcollie) died earlier this year she (we hoped) would be a companion for Betty (Chihuahua) as Betty was grieving and had stopped eating and needed a friend again. We chose a Labrador this time because we wanted a similar size dog to Mollie and my husband had wanted one for years because he grew up with labs.
    Elsie didn't come from the best breeder, in fact when we went to see the pups in our heads we knew we shouldn't encourage the breeder by buying a pup but our hearts overruled our heads and we bought Elsie home almost to save her as the place she was living was pretty bad !
    Elsie is the companion Betty needed they really love playing and being together, but we have a couple of problems and I think they are mine not hers. Something I am doing wrong is causing the problems I am sure. I am determined to get it right because she is super gorgeous and we love her a lot already.
    When we brought her home we were told she was 8 weeks but vet wouldn't inject her because he thought she was barely 5 weeks, she couldn't eat solids or lap properly so we had to teach her how while keeping her going with liquid feeds. She missed out on some socialising waiting for her jabs.

    The problems are walking, she is walked on a harness (I don't like collars for a number of reasons) and TBH sometimes she is great so I know we can get there eventually, but everyone time we give her a bit more lead she barks, barks and spins round. So over excited. She barks at people and other dogs, not aggressive bone in her body just over excited and frustrated not everyone can be rushed up to and wants to say hello.
    If no one is around and I can get her to calm down she walks on a slack lead no pulling or anything ! So I know e can do it !
    She is 6 months old and walking her is loud which is a bit of a problem, trying to be a good neighbour I hate waking everyone early walks and when I get home at 9pm and take her for a walk it's very loud indeed !

    Never had this problem with any other dog all the terriers were so interested in their environment they wanted to eagerly pull most of the time, Mollie was happy to quietly bring things back or round us up, and the Chihuahuas have been intent on getting from place to place in double quick time just marching ahead and a quick shhh stops any noise, not that Betty yaps often she is just happy to walk.

    So what am I doing wrong with Elsie ? How can I get her to shhh, I am at the present time saying no firmly and she stops for a few breaths before starting again when she forgets what I said.
  2. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Elsie

    Ah Julie, I'm not the best person for training, but wonder if you have done any clicker training?

    I think with barking problems. "clicking for quiet" can be a useful tool.
    Might work in this situation, if its the barking, but could be linked in with facing forward, taking steps without turning....
    I hope someone with more experience could help here.
  3. Julie1962

    Julie1962 Registered Users

    Aug 24, 2014
    Re: Elsie

    I haven't tried clicker I have a shaking problem myself which makes clicking at just the right moment difficult I managed to confuse the late great Yorkshire terrier Duncan with one and have been reluctant to try again.
  4. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Elsie

    You could use a verbal marker I believe as an alternative, as long as you are spot on with the timing.
    I think the other option is maybe stopping and ignoring Elsie when she is barking, turning your back until she is quiet, then when she is, moving forward, repeat as often as required. Just in the same way as you would stop , start, turn with a dog that's pulling. It means you are unlikely to actually get much of a walk at the beginning, and would need to do it just with Elsie on her own.
    I have used it for pulling and it certainly works, though you need to be consistent and keep doing it for the dog to learn.
    I don't see why it wouldn't work for barking. You will be rewarding quiet with a continuance of your work.
  5. Julie1962

    Julie1962 Registered Users

    Aug 24, 2014
    Re: Elsie

    I'll try that I always take them separately for a walk when I get in from work in the evening and my husband does a bit of sit stay and teaching at home with the other. So it's one on one with them both.
  6. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Elsie

    I'm sure you will get there with a bit of patience and being consistent.
    If it is any help, here was Pippa's click for quiet article on the main site. It is based on getting your puppy quiet when you start to leave him/her on their own, but the principles are the same.
    As long as you are quick and precise with your marker you can use a word, or even a click click noise with your tongue, which you might find easier. I think if you use a word marker it is important to use something unique you don't normally say in the course of daily conversation or it might confuse Elsie.
  7. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Elsie

    So does she only bark when she sees another person/dog of does she just bark even when there is no-one around? You mentioned that she barks when she gets a bit of extra lead - so does she not bark when the lead is short? At what point in the walk does she start to bark? Just trying to work out what the triggers are :)
  8. Julie1962

    Julie1962 Registered Users

    Aug 24, 2014
    Re: Elsie

    As we leave she barks several times until I stand still and get her calmed down, we can then walk several yards and she will start again, I say no and she stopped twirls and calms down again. Usually we get to the green hundred yards or so away before she starts again and there doesn't have to be anyone around as soon as she has a bit extra lead she barks and barks until I draw her back to my side and calm her down. If we see anyone or another dog she barks wildly and no noing will stop her, it's not aggressive she just wants to get to them to play but obviously not always possible so over excitement and frustration. If no one is around and we are walking quicker she walks like a little angel on a slack lead by my side quite naturally. We commented on her first ever walk how amazing that was. If we go somewhere different the barking is worse, went to local woods yesterday and everyone knew we were there and exactly where we were at all times LOL
    I can cope with her barking at things that we can work on but I am at a loss to her not being able to have a bit of length of lead without yelling about it.

    I use a lunge/training lead but it is sad when I have to keep her right by my side when she could be off having a sniff of the undergrowth.

    I can't let her off lead either for a run because the barking is worse if she not attached to me, if I call her back to my side she stops.
  9. Joy

    Joy Registered Users

    Mar 22, 2014
    Re: Elsie

    Has she always done this or has it started recently? And have you tried puppy classes and if so how was she there?
  10. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Re: Elsie

    Hi there, I have an excitable 6 month old gorgeous girl. She is enthusiastic in her "meet and greet" she does not bark though. Do you go to classes ? We go to a great class and a lot of the time is spent working on a calm "meet and greet" it's great as class is full of about 8 bouncy other teenage dogs all trying to learn the same. There lots of distractions, patient trainers and empathetic dog owners. It's hard work but fun for both of us and its working. If you have not done so already I really recommend starting the Kennel Club obedience award classes. Good luck :)
  11. Julie1962

    Julie1962 Registered Users

    Aug 24, 2014
    Re: Elsie

    When she went out for the first time she barked continuously so we have made progress ! We haven't done classes mainly due to it only being this past week or so we got her diet right, constant diarrhoea was impossible to take her to any classes without major accidents, has been bad enough when she did that at the vets :eek:. Finally found she is wheat/gluten intolerant and got that under control.
  12. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Re: Elsie

    Oh crikey, that must be hard with her diet. Yikes. Hopefully things are now settling down now :)
  13. Joy

    Joy Registered Users

    Mar 22, 2014
    Re: Elsie

    You have had a difficult start, haven't you. Hope things go more smoothly healthwise now. I would really try to find a puppy / beginners class as then Elsie can mix with other dogs in a controlled environment.
  14. Julie1962

    Julie1962 Registered Users

    Aug 24, 2014
    Re: Elsie

    Oddly hard start or not she has wormed her way into our hearts like a pro, world is now revolving round her and holiday is being planned more with her in mind than the rest of us LOL yesterday went for a walk in the pouring rain and she loved it every puddle or stream or pond now has a Labrador shaped splosh in it, came home brown not yellow and had to have a shower to get the mud off. Think we have a mud magnet in our midst and she joyfully barked every time :*

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