@JulieT - Thanks for the video information, I will try it out with Teller and see if he picks it up. He's usually a very quick learner and I will do multiple short sessions with him because he gets silly. As for the whole hand in the mouth thing, I figured that part would come easily if he was FFed because my hands in his mouth are nothing foreign. My hands are in that dog's mouth more frequently than they're in my own because he LOVES stealing small things. You might be able to teach a point! I've heard some dogs will randomly point or point at certain things. Some dogs will point at only squirrels or rabbits. Mine goes crazy for squirrels, he will stand there, locked up, pointing or staring into the treetops. I wish he would be less interested in them, though. Can you imagine how many we encounter on hikes? And ALL of them must be pointed out. Oh and Teller chases birds too. He will only point geese and ducks on-lead, otherwise he will take off like a shot after them (I confess to nurturing this habit). I've watched him swim for 100 yards upstream after a collection of geese and ducks and the local fly fishermen were quite amused by his antics. One of the men watched me wading in after him, thanked me for his chasing off the birds who were trying to get a free meal, and asked how I trained him to do that. I told him that my dog was naturally bad and didn't require any extra training on my part. It's pretty funny when we are at the river because I will be working on marked retrieves and people will gather to watch like it's a form of entertainment. One lady stopped and said, "So you throw it and he just swims out, gets it, and brings it back? Did you teach him that?" Can you tell I live near a city, lol?