I don't know what's happened to Charlie but he is getting quite good at not going crazy in the sight of wildlife, not all of it you understand He was on lead and had a stare off with a Hare sat on a track, both sat looking at each other whilst David was C&T with Cheese (to Charlie, not the Hare ). Must mention Hattie, we were walking this morning Hattie off lead when there was a flock of Geese on the track that had escaped from the property of the lady that owns them Hattie went closer for a look but recalled immediately and walked to heel in full view of the Geese A productive day and more training opportunities x
I think aliens may have kidnapped Charlie and replaced him with an idealized 'Stepford wife' kind of dog.
Charlie is doing soooooo well . I'm so happy for you. We all know how difficult it has been for you and your family over the past few years, I'm just glad that things have really improved xx
Well done Charlie and Hattie, good boy and good girl That's excellent Helen, you must be so proud of them both
Oh please can they come and kidnap Dexter and leave me with the no chase Stepford version? Ah love him really! Charlie's focus sounds amazing these days Helen,all that heartache and angst of the early years is being repaid now with his great behaviour x
Hmmm … well I wouldn't go that far but he is a bit more focused and he can control himself a little better SOMETIMES! Oh well it's better than nothing, anything is a bonus with Charlie xx Thanks everyone xx
Well done, such an achievement Helen all your hard work is paying off. Gives me hope for my squirrel chasing monster.