Estate with low tailgate for labs who don't like jumping into a Golf with a lip!

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by NickyW, May 10, 2016.

  1. NickyW

    NickyW Registered Users

    Apr 1, 2016
    South West England
    Does anyone (in UK I guess, preferably) have any good advice regarding estate cars with low tailgates? I have a Golf hatchback with a high lip for the boot (c. 28 inches), and, with the back seats up, the girls have reservations about jumping in to the boot (it makes the space look even more confined). I know they CAN jump, because if they sense a cat or any other excitement in the garden (terraced and steepish in places) they jump very efficiently. I've thought that it may be a problem with travelling in the car, but they're fine once they're in. I'm currently using a step platform covered in a piece of carpet, which enables them to climb in safely and easily and out again at our destination, but am finding it tedious carrying the step with me as it's quite cumbersome, and takes up alot of room. The step seems to work better than a lightweight ramp, as you can't always fit the ramp between two parked cars. So, am seriously considering trading in my Golf for an estate car, but have no idea what the usual tailgate height is. What does anyone else think? Any thoughts welcome! Thank you :)
  2. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    My in laws have a Peugot which has a low tail gate. I'm not sure what model it was but they bought it especially to help their lab ith elbow issues.
    NickyW likes this.
  3. NickyW

    NickyW Registered Users

    Apr 1, 2016
    South West England
    Thank you... that's helpful. I'll start googling! :)
  4. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    I'll ask my husband later what model it is :)
  5. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    We have estate cars in Australia except we call them 'station wagons'.

    We bought a new car solely because of our dog too... :)
    NickyW likes this.
  6. NickyW

    NickyW Registered Users

    Apr 1, 2016
    South West England
    Thank you... that'd be helpful. It's hard to find the tailgate to floor measurement on these cars.
  7. NickyW

    NickyW Registered Users

    Apr 1, 2016
    South West England
    Did you have problems with the dog not wanting to jump in to your other car, Rachael? Or just for practicality?
  8. Jen

    Jen Registered Users

    Aug 30, 2013
    Volvo estates have a flat tail gate and reasonably low. My old lab had no problem jumping in the Volvo. I had a fiesta which had a lip he wouldn't jump over that and had to get in via the back door which was ok until he got old then the back seat was too high really. The other good thing about volvos is if you put the back seats down it's all flat. I now have a freelander which has a flag tail gate but is quite high although the dogs have no problems jumping in a ramp will be necessary when they get old.:confused:
    NickyW likes this.
  9. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    I have a Renault Megane Estate although Renault call it something more fancy :). It has a flat tail gate and a good size rear, sorry I don't know the height. Renault also make a safety grille that you can install to close the gap between the rear seats and the roof. Juno happily jumps in and out, naughty that I am we've been allowing her to do it more in recent months despite her ED, although it is only a couple of times a week and rarely on to a surface like tarmac or concrete. We invested in a ramp for Juno, even before the ED diagnosis, which she uses happily for a treat up and down but we had to remove it from the car for the move from France back to the UK and it hasn't made it's way back onto the rear seats :(
  10. Boris

    Boris Registered Users

    Feb 10, 2016
    Bideford Devon Uk
    I have just bought a Seat Ibiza estate. I was having to lift Boris and put him the back of a Seat Toledo hatchback . So far so good Boris getting in and out with a little encouragement, no lifting so my back is happy.
    NickyW likes this.
  11. NickyW

    NickyW Registered Users

    Apr 1, 2016
    South West England
    Thanks, MaccieD... I'll have a look at that. Funds aren't that generous, but the Golf is in good condition with low mileage for trade-in, so hope I may be able to find something. My girls weren't that keen on the ramp but are fine with the step, which came from Screwfix! It's for workmen/women, I guess, but works a treat... were it not for the size (60cm square) and weight... it's aluminium but still quite heavy, and we've had to cut the legs down, so all a bit unwieldy, though is working for the moment. I think it's time to make some changes for the sake of my back ... @Boris! I'll have a look at the Seat too, thank you!
  12. NickyW

    NickyW Registered Users

    Apr 1, 2016
    South West England
    Thanks Boris... will take a look. Glad your back is better.. I put mine out quite badly helping the girls to get into the golf. The lip seems to put them off, and I ended up taking most of the substantial weight myself. Not good!
  13. NickyW

    NickyW Registered Users

    Apr 1, 2016
    South West England
    Thanks Jen. I'd wondered about a Volvo... good substantial cars, so now have a few vehicles to think about. I'm wondering whether I shall need to take the girls to the garage to see if they can jump in, but I can't think any garage would be happy to allow the test!
  14. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    We have a Volvo estate V70 (my third one), my dogs aged 8 years and 5 years old have no problem at all jumping in and there's tons of space for them to sleep. :)
    NickyW likes this.
  15. NickyW

    NickyW Registered Users

    Apr 1, 2016
    South West England
    Thanks Charlie. I was wondering which model to look for. Got to take the girls out now... been pouring all day and now a break in the gloom, so must be quick to seize the chance. None of us were very keen to weather the downpours this morning :)
  16. Cath

    Cath Registered Users

    Jan 17, 2015
    My husband has a Saab 93 Estate, the dogs find it easy to get in and out of.
  17. Ski-Patroller

    Ski-Patroller Cooper, Terminally Cute

    Feb 8, 2016
    Portland, Oregon & Mt Hood Oregon
    Subaru Outbacks and Foresters both have flat rear floors. We have always trained our dogs to put their paws up and let us lift them in, if they can't jump in on their own. It helps in a confined space, or when they get old.
    Both of them can jump into our Outback, as long as there is enough room. Cooper is so tall that she can put her front paws up on the deck and then jump in.

    On long trips, we generally have the dogs in the back seat, on a seat hammock and use the wayback for gear, but if they are muddy they go in the wayback. Subie makes grill that goes between the back seats and the wayback to keep the dogs confined.
  18. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Definitely take the girls for testing purposes before buying. You take a test drive in the car so why not test it for the girls jumping in and out. :D :D
    NickyW and Cath like this.
  19. edzbird

    edzbird Registered Users

    Mar 31, 2015
    Isle of Man
    I've just bought a Vauxhall Astra Estate - the tailgate is 22". The dogs & I are very pleased with it, Belle struggles to get into OH's truck, but she's fine with the Astra. It's fast too :cool:
    NickyW likes this.
  20. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Practicality - our other car didn't have a back seat :) Our first dog would happily travel in the passenger footwell but Obi wouldn't so we needed a back seat for him.
    NickyW likes this.

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