Sorry if this is a stupid question but I'm really not sure what to think. Axel is 5 months old and the last couple days I go to pet him and so much hair comes out. I brushed him yesterday and took out a decent amount. A couple handfuls. And today I took out the same if not a bit more. Is that normal? I know they shed quite a bit but didn't think it would be so much just simply from me petting him
My Shadow is a nightmare shedder. When it's full-on shedding season, there's yellow hair an inch thick on my floors, even brushing up several times a day. The rest of the year, it's only half an inch thick Willow doesn't shed much at all at any time. But, yes, perfectly normal for many Labs! Sorry!!
Hi Kelsey, As Fiona has said shedding is very normal for Labradors, I'm afraid! Here is an article with some information and advice for owners of high shedding dogs: Labrador Shedding: It's The Moulting Season Again!
Ok thank you. I just found it strange. He went from mildy shedding to full out shedding within a day. I did notice yesterday that near his tail his fur has become more thick and coarse. So must be getting his adult coat now ?
I do have the zoom groom which takes out quite a lot. But I think I may try investing in the furminator just to use once a week while using the zoom groom every day
Labs will shed excessively twice a year --spring and fall--for about a month. In between, some every day. A poodle is a very good alternative to the shedding lab.