I have wiped Red’s eye a few times today. She has a yellowish blob that keeps appearing in the corner of her eye - was brownish initially. I have just looked more closely and the white of her eye is a bit bloodshot - the other isn’t. Could she have just got something in it or is this a trip to the Vets? I suspect the latter.
I`m absolutely paranoid about eyes , having had a bad experience with one of my dogs , definitely the Vets for me , eyes are precious , hoping all will be well for her x
Sounds like conjunctivitis trip to the vets I afraid sorry. Rorys just had a touch of it. He's had some drops for a few days and it's fine now. I always get the vet to have a look anyway as sometimes they have a scratched cornea and if thats not treated they can get ulcerated. Hope shes ok.
Sounds like conjunctivitis to me too @Atemas. I was given advice on here that used teabags can be helpful if you wipe across the eye. Worth doing until the vet tomorrow? Nothing to lose anyway, if you drink tea!
Could be an injury too. I've seen the yellowish eye goober with injury. It was on my OH but it could happen to a dog as well. Conjunctivitis in puppy Oban produced goober that was whitish. You may read coloured goober, yellow, brown or green, is infection and others are not but don't believe it, Oban's eyes were both infected.
Sparky recently had an eye problem several weeks ago. His right eye was red and alot of white stuff coming out. The sitter came and said she found a dead tick in the corner of his eye and was probably causing irritation and she removed it. The tick was dead and it wasn't fat and full of blood. I took him to the vet later that day. They stained his eyeball and saw no ulcerations and gave him an antibiotic eyedrop and a dexamethasone eyedrop which helped him greatly. After that he would still do some white discharge build up from both eyes, but the follow up visit with the vet said it may be possible that he's allergic to something. As long as his eyes are not red and i don't see a green or yellow discharge I'm ok with it.
Thank you for your comments everyone. Yes it is conjunctivitis so Red has Chloramphenicol eye drops. She was brill at the Vets and we did ‘middle’ so the vet could examine her and put dye and drops in her eye. I am so glad I have trained this - she does it so willingly and it gives great control when necessary .
Hope her eye clears up quickly with the drops. Wonderful to hear how useful "middle" was - I wouldn't have thought to do it - I hope I will remember this next time we're at the vets, in need.
Sky now has conjunctivitis. Red’s cleared up after a few days on the drops the vets gave us (kept putting the drops in for the 5 days stated) so I was surprised that Sky has it now (I do know it’s very infectious). I have the rest of the drops so have put some in Sky’s eyes this morning. I really hope it will clear up and we don’t need to go to the Vets - I have been there almost on a weekly basis this year for one thing or another .
Well Monday we will be back at the Vets with both dogs. We are daily having to wipe their eyes - both of Sky’s eyes get ‘gunky’ and one of Red’s eyes. Neither dogs seem bothered by it but what started off as conjunctivitis with Red seems to have left them both with browny bits collecting in the corners of their eyes.