Fatty lumps

Discussion in 'Senior Labradors' started by Atemas, Feb 12, 2018.

  1. Atemas

    Atemas Registered Users

    Feb 22, 2017
    Discovered one on Sky’s chest this weekend whilst she was having her evening belly rubs, cuddles. DH said we should get it checked out at the vets but he wasn’t overly concerned. Took her today and vet found two. She is 80/90% certain they are lipomas - fatty lumps. We agreed that we would monitor them but otherwise to leave alone. Sky isn’t bothered by them and she is her usual mellow self (albeit a but ‘peg legged’ with her arthritis) and well up for her morning walk as always. Her weight has stayed fairly static at 25.6kg so happy about that.
    drjs@5, kateincornwall and selina27 like this.
  2. edzbird

    edzbird Registered Users

    Mar 31, 2015
    Isle of Man
    Having had a large one removed from Scooby's chest, I would now leave alone if possible. It was rubbing on his harness. He had a miserable, long recovery - it was so large he had to have a drain.
    Atemas likes this.
  3. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    I would leave well alone too, unless they cause problems . My old girl Tess had one on her neck which was pressing on her jugular vein , and so we were advise to have it removed and like Scooby , it took a long time to heal .
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2018
    Atemas likes this.
  4. Beanwood

    Beanwood Registered Users

    Jan 28, 2014
    Casper has a couple now, we were just advised to keep an eye on them. Luckily they are not interfering with anything :)

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