@SteffiS How did your 121 go? Hope you found it helpful and with lots of good advice to take home and work on.
@MaccieD I really enjoyed the 121 when I eventually got there; we were part way there when I realised I had left the house keys in the lock so I had to go back home to collect them, luckily we still got there on time. The trainer started off by getting me to walk Ripple from the car to the training field while he watched his behaviour on the lead, that was really useful as he pointed out lots of things I could do better to improve his lead walking. Some things I knew but didn't know how to correct, others were quite obvious when they were pointed out but I hadn't realised what was happening. Then the bit I dreaded, using the slip lead. This was actually quite good, he took Ripple to start with and then he taught me how to use the slip lead correctly. Ripple seemed to adapt to it really well and I have bought a limited slip today to practice. We also did a little bit of work on the stop whistle which I've been teaching Ripple. I got lots of advice and I've got loads of things to practice. We're going back in a couple of weeks to work on the stay and hopefully the trainer's dogs will join us to provide distractions for Ripple to overcome. I couldn't believe how tired I was when I got home, all that concentrating was really exhausting .
Sounds as if the session was well worthwhile. It's amazing how quickly you can improve when a good trainer points you in the right direction. Yes 121s are very tiring for you and your dog as the training is much more intense than we are used to. Look forward to hearing how you and Ripple progress
OH attended the puppy foundation class and the first few weeks of the first Bronze block I did, he spent the whole time commenting to me on how rubbish the trainers were and how much better he had seen training done; which meant I couldn't hear what was going on or what I was supposed to be doing . In the end I banned him from coming so I could concentrate on the class. The second time I did the Bronze I suggested OH come along and do the exercises himself with the proviso he didn't keep making comments, this was reasonably successful apart from the times he told the trainers he would be doing the exercises his way . OH actually came to the 121 and did do some walking with the slip lead, and so far has been very supportive of my decision to go to this trainer - fingers crossed he will keep this positive attitude .