Feeling 'meh' after our first puppy class!

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by zanacal, Apr 25, 2015.

  1. zanacal

    zanacal Registered Users

    Jan 1, 2015
    Re: Feeling 'meh' after our first puppy class!

    I emailed the lady who runs the outside class and she said all the puppies are the same, they just can't wait to play, and to just roll with it. She also said she sounds like a typical Labrador. So I'm going to be brave and try this class on Saturday :)
  2. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Re: Feeling 'meh' after our first puppy class!

    Look forward to hearing how you get on T the outdoor class on Saturday. Fingers crossed that you have fun there ;D
  3. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    Re: Feeling 'meh' after our first puppy class!

    I don't think it a good idea for puppies to play, some can be scared, some can be bullies and injuries can happen. When I went to an excellent puppy class all pups were on leads and if barking or over excited, were given a kong.
  4. maisiesmomma

    maisiesmomma Registered Users

    Jan 13, 2015
    Re: Feeling 'meh' after our first puppy class!

    Good luck on Saturday! I'm starting two new classes for Maisie in the next week (a nose work class on Sunday, and an intermediate puppy training course on Wednesday). I've had issues with puppy classes in the past and Maisie LOOVVVVVEESSSS other dogs and can act like a crazy woman around them soooo I'm a bit nervous about it. Hopefully both of ours go well! I've worked with the trainer for the Wednesday class one-on-one and she knows about Maisie's play issues, so that'll help, and Sunday the dogs are actually contained in the car when not actively having their turn, so that should limit Maisie's craziness. Except for the fact that she loathes the car :/.
  5. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Feeling 'meh' after our first puppy class!

    Hope you have fun :) Can you get there early and have a little walk to take the edge off the excitement before it gets too busy?
  6. maisiesmomma

    maisiesmomma Registered Users

    Jan 13, 2015
    Re: Feeling 'meh' after our first puppy class!

    Yes, we'll get there early for both of them.. .mainly because I don't know what the parking situation is like and I'm a crap parker so we must leave plenty of time for me to back in … and out.. and in.. and out of my spot haha.
  7. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Feeling 'meh' after our first puppy class!

    Heehee - hope there is masses of easily accessible parking! :)
  8. zanacal

    zanacal Registered Users

    Jan 1, 2015
    Re: Feeling 'meh' after our first puppy class!

    We survived ;D

    It wasn't totally ideal but I think we'll stick with it. When we arrived we walked in to the training area with the dogs on their leads and most of us were heeling them around while we waited - I tried to not get too close to the other exciting puppies! Then it was play time and the trainer said to take the new puppies inside the hut so they could join in when they were ready. Of course Tess was straight in there ... The play time was fairly short and supervised so it was ok.

    We then started the training session which involved walking around and doing lots of sits, then practicing sitting and pretending to take a step forward to see if a car is coming while the dog stays put, sitting and staying on a mat, putting a treat down and getting them to wait before they took it. We didn't do too badly but Tess was pulling a lot towards the other dogs and also to the adult dogs who were walking through to another training area. They don't allow harnesses (one of my concerns) and I didn't like that she was gagging a little while she tried to get to the other dogs. I was consistent and didn't let her but it was quite difficult! Usually I walk backwards if she pulls and she comes with me and sits and waits but she wasn't really playing ball! At one point I knew I had totally lost her so I sat out and gave her her Kong. There was a little too much lead correction etc. for me but I hope I can get by without doing it myself!

    After that we practiced gate/door control while we walked in to the field where the adult dogs were. We kept our distance so Tess didn't get too excited and then we all walked around the field (on lead) together. Tess and I just walked up and down a little. Finally there was another play time and I felt this was a bit much, I could see Tess was starting to look wild eyed so I tried to settle her with a Kong but there were too many dogs off lead trying to steal it! Next week I think we'll either politely sneak off near the beginning of the final play session or I'll see if I can get her to settle with me. I also think I need a higher value treat than cheese - I was thinking maybe prawns?!

    Frustratingly all the owners Tess jumped up at gave her cuddles and fussed over her! There was a child 'helper' who told me I should knee her in the chest and I told her I would not but I did notice the trainer doing this too - though the advice she gave to others was to turn around and ignore them which I was happier with. So frustrating that we have consistently ignored jumping up yet we are the one with the jumper!! Also annoying that I can't use my clicker (I haven't asked but there are no others and I get the feeling it isn't the trainer's 'thing'), but she did say to say 'yes' as soon as your dog does as you ask so I'm going to try and make sure I remember to do that alongside my clicker at home, I usually forget!

  9. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Feeling 'meh' after our first puppy class!

    Sigh....it sounds like a class I used to go to - pretty hopeless instructor, but I kept going because it gave me the chance to work around other dogs.

    If I were you, I'd turn up with your dog in a harness - are they really going to throw you out? I doubt it.

    And as for using your clicker....just get on and use it. Again, are they going to throw you out for that? Probably not...

    Best of luck with it...
  10. maisiesmomma

    maisiesmomma Registered Users

    Jan 13, 2015
    Re: Feeling 'meh' after our first puppy class!

    I also would turn up with a harness… maybe take her collar off even so there is no alternative :). If they bother you about it, say it is your vet's recommendation to prevent neck damage.
  11. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Feeling 'meh' after our first puppy class!

    I agree. Turn up with a harness and a clicker. If they tell you you have to use a collar say that you do not use one due to the risk of neck injuries. She's your dog! :)

    Sounds like you did a fantastic job of getting the most out of the class and doing only as much as Tess could handle. Just use it as a chance to practise round other dogs. Sounds like most of the exercises are useful even if some of the advised methods are not (like kneeing in the chest ::)).
  12. zanacal

    zanacal Registered Users

    Jan 1, 2015
    Re: Feeling 'meh' after our first puppy class!

    That's exactly what I'm thinking, it's giving us the chance to work around lots of other dogs and people, and Tess really needs that!

    A lot of what the trainer said was quite useful (at least it would be if I hadn't already read it somewhere else!) and she did things like walk in amongst us with a pushchair - not a problem for me but one of the dogs in particular had an issue with it. I did find it quite odd that harnesses are not allowed but so many of the dogs are wearing halti type collars!! The helpers were pretty useless because they kept trying to say hello to Tess - I kept saying 'let's go' and walking away from them!

    We had to pay for four weeks in advance so we shall see!
  13. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Feeling 'meh' after our first puppy class!

    For my very first puppy class, I read the joining instructions carefully. They said "flat collars only". So I went out and bought a flat collar (I didn't have one, I'd bought a mesh puppy harness). I got to the class, and Charlie was strangling himself on the flat collar. So I said to the instructor that she'd have to help me deal with it or I would have to leave because I could not stand to have my puppy choke himself on a collar. She told me I should have him on a harness!


    Put your pup on a safe back fastening harness and just say you don't use collars, and that's that.
  14. Beanwood

    Beanwood Registered Users

    Jan 28, 2014
    Re: Feeling 'meh' after our first puppy class!

    Benson is fairly bombproof, I don't know how much is due to genetics though. Being predominately showline, with a bit of working line blended in.

    We didn't do too well at puppy class, only went to a couple of classes, it was just too manic and loads of kibble everywhere! It was held in a small village hall, and I worried about the fact that all it appeared to achieve was to teach Benson how exciting being around other dogs is.
    We also did a bit of work with puppy parties at our local vets, that was really good. I do like the suggestion already made regarding "mix and match" puppy classes, and not just trying one class.

    Then very early we had structured visits with other dogs on walks, group walks etc. We also took Benson to the train station, supermarket car parks where he would lots of different people, noises, smells etc.

    Socialising early is so important, and having a rescue now it is clear where things have gone wrong, so I would very much now use outside training and focus on structured "meet and greets". Labradors are naturally very friendly, not all dogs are, so having more control in that area earlier is something I wished I had spent more time on. Keeping the socialisation right through to adolescent classes where any niggles caused by adolescence can be addressed is also proved invaluable to us. Benson turned into a nightmare around 10 months old, and we really needed extra input help work through the breakdown in err..everything! ;D
  15. zanacal

    zanacal Registered Users

    Jan 1, 2015
    Just thought I'd write a little update! We've been to 3 of the new classes now and have decided to give them a miss. I don't think letting Tess play with the other dogs at the beginning and end is the right thing for her at all. She gets so excited and pumped full of adrenalin at the beginning that it's really difficult to get her to focus on me again and I imagine any learning we've managed is completely undone when she's allowed to charge around with the other dogs again at the end! Instead I'm going to give a local gundog trainer a go. A 1:1 session a month works out the same as going to a class each week and hopefully we'll have lots to practice in between while. She doesn't do group sessions but does have dogs she can use during the classes if we need to (and I suspect we will!). This is the place we're going to try because they're very local and I like the sound of them, but I haven't been able to find much in the way of online reviews. I'm looking forward to it!


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