Sorry to be Mrs Thickie, but how do you know people first names? I watch topics and pick up peoples first names when other members use them, but then comes along a new member with only one post and says Thank you .....Jane for that.
Maybe the new member was lurking for a while, and getting to know the forum (and people's names) before posting. Sometimes people have their first name in the 'signature' area at the bottom of their posts. Sometimes people have mentioned their first name in other threads, especially the 'where does everyone live' type threads
Oh well I thought I was missing something. Glad to know it is not me for a change and that I will need to do a bit of lurking to find out peoples names over Christmas
If I'm talking to someone directly I'll say Cath or Oberon but if I'm just mentioning someone I'll say "as Cath said" or "I agree with Rachael". That's just my own made up rule for it ☺☺
I don't mind Dexter or Angela...I try to always sign off as Angela if it's someone new ....sometimes if people post photos or videos you can see their proper name on the Flickr/ YouTube page..... Ha ha ha I sound like a stalker!
No, not at all Angela/Dexter I have an awful memory for names. I just try and avoid using names unless I am sure (i.e. its in a signature line!)
What? I thought all this time that your real name was Stacia. A very nice and interesting name, I thought. So I'm just going to keep calling you Stacia