First time puppy owner, need some tips!

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Tosh, Mar 3, 2016.

  1. Tosh

    Tosh Registered Users

    Feb 26, 2016
    Hi, we bought a lab puppy 2 weeks ago at 10 weeks old. His parents are both gundogs if that makes a difference. We already have a rottweiler x french mastiff who is 3 years old that the girlfriend has had from a puppy, very big boy but super friendly and playful. We're having a few issues with the lab and would be great if anyone could point us in the right direction!

    Firstly, walking him outside is very hard. He's fine with the lead and collar, I take him on the lead to the garden when he needs to toilet and hes not quite as bad as a proper walk. I used to let him go in the garden without the lead but he just ran about and wouldn't come back. When we go out for a walk he pulls like crazy and is all over the place, he whines a bit sometimes too. We live in a busy town but the noises and lights etc don't scare him he just seems on edge.

    Second, in the evening they fight for toys and play with eachother all night which is fine but sometimes they get a bit too into it and little one gets hurt. When one is chewing a toy the other dog decides he wants it and it ends up in a game of tug of war.

    He's a pretty smart lab he learns commands quite fast and when i sit down to do some training hes incredibly calm and will train for a long time.

    Also in the morning when I let him out the crate he jumps on the bed and attacks my girlfriend chewing her face and stuff, being an excited puppy and all. Is there anything we can do about that?
  2. AlphaDog

    AlphaDog Registered Users

    Nov 18, 2015
    My advice is never let any of your dogs get on or sleep in your bed. Keep it your space. When you open the crate in the morning get a leash on him pronto. Also, I found that a harness helped immensely in keeping the pup in orderly form while out for a walk. At 5 months it's no longer an issue so in time it will improve. With regards to behavior I practice the 3 Ds: deny, deter, distract, and I use the word "no".
  3. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Hi and welcome to the forum. Firstly, you need to remember that your puppy is a tiny baby that doesn't understand the world or how he "should" behave yet. He just wants to do what is fun and feels good.

    Here are some articles that may help you.
    Firstly, the importance of letting your puppy off the lead:

    How to stop your puppy pulling when is is on the lead:

    How to use a clicker to train walking to heel:

    How to train your puppy to come when called:

    I would also recommend getting a copy of Total Recall to start working through immediately, which works on getting him to come back when called. This is probably the single most important skill to have, as it can be a true life-saver.
    Also pick up a copy of The Happy Puppy Handbook, which is invaluable for new puppy owners, with lots of hints and tips.

    Puppies tend to have a bit of crazy time in the evenings. It's fine for your two dogs to play together, but your older dog needs to have time away from the puppy, and you should certainly be stepping in before your puppy gets hurt. When play gets out of hand, remove the puppy from the situation, maybe into a crate for a bit of a chill-out. Give him a frozen kong to give him something to concentrate on and to wear him out.

    As for jumping on your girlfriend and chewing her, well you could just prevent him going on the bed so he can't do that! I'm not saying dogs should never be allowed on beds - that's absolutely your choice and a dog going on the bed doesn't make him "dominant" or anything silly like that - but if he's becoming over-excited at the sight of your girlfriend in the morning, which it sounds like he is, then just stop him going on there until he's a bit older or less excitable.

    He'll probably be turning more and more into a "crocopup" over the next couple of weeks, and this is perfectly natural. Here's an article on how to deal with this, the correct way:

    I hope that helps. Please let us know how you get on and feel free to share pictures of your boy :)
  4. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Welcome to the forum :)

    Can't add to Snowbunny's great advice.

    It's excellent that your pup enjoys and is attentive during training. Smart dogs just love being given something to do, to exercise their brains. The fact that your pup is attentive to you means that you are doing a good job of the training - you are being clear and making it worthwhile and fun from your pup's perspective - well done :)
  5. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Hi, and welcome to the forum. Great advice from Fiona already given. I'm surprised you've been taking your puppy out for walks already due to the length of vaccination programmes. At what age did your boy have his vaccinations?
    As Fiona has said you need to stop the dogs play before the puppy gets hurt. Puppies can be annoying but if he's getting hurt your older boy is probably not showing best dog manners ss puppies will normally stop with warning growls from an older dog. It's important as well that both dogs spend some time alone with you.
  6. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Hello, and a warm welcome - can't add to the good advice from Fiona and Rachael above.

    You could consider training your girlfriend to handle a young Labrador jumping on the bed. There are handy 'puppy avoidance' moves, where you swiftly tuck all your limbs, and head if necessary, under the duvet to buffer against the point where the young Labrador lands on you and moves to nip toes and ears etc. :D:D:D

    I adore having my dog on my bed, but you do have to be robust to being stood on! They tend to become less boisterous over time, my 3 year old dog has quite good doggie bed sharing manners these days.
  7. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Oh yes, I have become very good at the 'instant full immersion under the covers' manoeuvre :)
    JulieT likes this.
  8. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Welcome to you :)

    When my to are playing I call 'enough' when I have had enough or it seems to be getting too much for one dog.

    If they won't stop they need training, but meanwhile a baby gate is a great help to give everyone a rest.

  9. Tosh

    Tosh Registered Users

    Feb 26, 2016
    thanks for the help, will look through those links and see if he improves. I've read lots of things but nothing seems to be that specific and doesn't really relate. We tried a harness on him but still doesn't help, I tried changing direction when he pulled and eventually he kind of got it but then very quickly got fed up, sat down and started whining!

    I always wondered who I put away when they start playing because I was worried that whoever I put away when they get too excited will start to think playtime is not an ok thing to do. the puppy (mowgli) will be heading over to puppy socializing next week so hopefully that will help him.

    He is improving with pan (the other dog) and just in general. I keep praising him for good behavior and he seems to be getting it. He learnt how to lie down in only a couple of sessions so he seems to be quite an intelligent dog so hopefully once he grows up he will be an excellent pet. I tried to teach him recall today actually, he came running back for the treat but then he just kept sitting and looking at me waiting for more lol
  10. Tosh

    Tosh Registered Users

    Feb 26, 2016
    He's 2 weeks into his vaccinations, the vet said they start working after 2 weeks so we can take him out but to be careful to make sure he doesn't sniff any poo or pee as that's how they get he illnesses. He also said we can introduce to dogs which we know and are vaccinated. I think it's mostly due to his age, if we waited for his full dosage he would be 16 weeks old and we'd miss the important window.

    We try not to let him on the bed anymore but he's incredibly fast and sneaks past sometimes.

    They don't stop when we say enough, well Mowgli does slow down but pan doesn't care. To be Honest I think he's the issue here he's a massive 60kg stocky thing and gets excited very easily, spent so much time training Moog that pan has been slipping in obedience.

    Thanks for the tip on the frozen kong too, they love it!! Kept them both busy for ages. They steal each others food and toys though like a couple of spoilt kids. It's not so bad when they eat because Moog gets put in his crate but they always grab toys off each other and play tug of war.

    What's the best way to get pics up too? Should I upload to photo bucket and link it or can I upload straight to the thread?
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2016
  11. Snowshoe

    Snowshoe Registered Users

    Sep 5, 2015
    Ontario, Canada
    REally? Your Vet said sniffing poo or pee was the only source of illness? Yikes, they can get sick from sniffing the ground where poo or pee no longer is visible or has been cleaned up from. Parvo virus can live for years. Distemper is spread through the air. Those are the only two I remember without looking them up.

    Many agree with the prime (not the only) socialization window being up at around 16 weeks. We visited with known, vaccinated dogs too, and walked places where few other dogs went. Remember you need to habituate him as well to sounds, sights, places, movement, things. He needs to see people with funny hats (there's a whole thread on that) and see people who are older and younger than you, for example. This is the fun part if you ask me, exposing puppy to strange people in strange places and beaming with delight as they ooh and ahhh. :)

    How high off the floor is your bed? He could get hurt falling off.

    Welcome to the board. Lots of fun here and we get a lot of it from new puppies like yours. Can we see a photo of Mowgli?
  12. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    I'm a little surprised at your vets advice particularly as some of the diseases, parvo for example, can survive on ground etc for up to 10 years. The usual advice is to take them out and socialise them but keep them off the ground until vaccinations are complete. Perhaps the vet considered the risk in your area as low but I remember only too well that even after her last vaccination my vet mad me pick Juno up and carry her to the car to be 100% safe.

    It sounds as if you need to reduce their play time together and stop it will the play is still nice and friendly in Pan is getting too excited and not stopping when asked. At 60kg he could do serious harm to your puppy without really meaning to. Perhaps spend more time playing with each one seperately and asking them both to lie down calm together in the evenings. If you can also separate them into different rooms and allow them to play with toys by themselves rather than what sounds like a constant battle for toys. Also what can help is having toys that are just Pan's, some which are Mowgli's and some which they can play with together under supervision.

    Photos can be uploaded from any of the hosting sites like Photobucket, Flickr etc. just copy and paste the bbCode into your post.
  13. Tosh

    Tosh Registered Users

    Feb 26, 2016
    This is pan


    This is little moogs


    The bed is pretty low, that's how he gets up so easily. He's a pretty insane and energetic puppy, bit of a handful! I've tried stopping them playing and it does kind of work but any opportunity Mowgli jumps on him. When I tell them to stop Mowgli stops and sits but pan usually keeps going so I have to pull him away. I put one in a different room when they get too into it but he just whines outside and as soon as he's let back in they're back at it. Tried giving them different toys, they still steal. I think most of the problem is pan but he has rottie in him making him incredibly stubborn and he's only 3 so still a big puppy.

    We take him through the industrial estate cos people rarely walk their dogs there and he doesn't go every night either. There aren't that many dogs where we live either so risk is fairly low I guess. He's very good with sounds and all the hustle and bustle of life. He's never been scared of loud noises or anything actually it's quite weird. He's a brave little fella!

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