Just a quick note to say thanks for a wonderful site full of great support. We have the chance to visit our puppy for the first time next weekend. It will be one of four visits before we bring him home with us. I was wondering if we should take something for the puppy and what recommendations you have. Naturally we have some healthy treats for Mum. Thanks in advance
Your cat if you have one. Otherwise enjoy playing with your new pup. Smart breeder. And well done to you for making the effort. Smart stuff.
We visited our pup every week from 4 weeks old, until we picked him up at 9 weeks old, best thing ever, we have an amazing dog, as puppy never had 1 squeak out of him, he shadowed us but we also happy to sleep in crate, even night times were a breeze, I'm sure he has been here before and knew the rules! Good luck with your pup, he will get to know you every visit and transition to your home, fingers crossed will be perfect.
Welcome to the forum Gavin. Hope you enjoy your puppy visit - it's great that you will have several opportunities to get to know him before you bring him home.
That’s great you have the chance to visit so often - we only had 1 visit before hand but took a blanket with us that we had used and carried about the house for a while so it smelt of us and our cat , the breeder left it in the pen amongst the puppies bedding so when we collected him the blanket was quite pongy to us but reassuring to Buddy. It helped greatly with the long drive back home and once home I cut the blanket into quarters and put one piece in his crate another in the living room and kept the other 2 in a bag incase the others got spoilt and needed washing. We have never had any trouble with him seeming stressed about leaving his siblings / mum and I’m sure the smelly blanket helped !! Enjoy your puppy visits Helen