Bouncer has lost all four baby canine teeeth but I have never been able to find them. While doing a clean up in the garden or "poo patrol" as we call it in our house. I noticed somthing white, where it shoudlnt be (ill leave it to your imagination). One very sharp needle tooth. Ouch, poor Bouncer
Re: Found a Tooth I guess that's where the majority end up although I have a canine tooth of Scott, Scout and my old lab Murphy. Not sure why I kept them though and no I didn't find them in the same place as Bouncer's I found them on the floor. ;D
Re: Found a Tooth I've got about 10 teeth from my girl including 2 canines and the huge funny shaped back teeth. They're so tiny compared to what her new adult teeth are like! I was lucky that she'd spit them out at me whenever she lost them when I was around. No idea what I'm going to do with them but it's nice to keep them... in a non creepy way!
Re: Found a Tooth I've found 3 so far... I'm keeping them in a little pot in the kitchen! How long does it take for dogs to lose all their puppy teeth? Someone told me that once they start dropping out, they all come out fairly quickly. But I've not found anymore for about 4 days now. Maybe he's swallowing them.... Lou x
Re: Found a Tooth I think my two are nearly done. Shadow has a half empty mouth, bless him! He made a lot more fuss about it than Willow - it's a boy thing, I reckon - and she seems to nearly have a whole set of adult ones without me even noticing really that she was teething. They definitely swallowed/chewed most of them. I only found one, and that was one that they were crunching up and I got them to leave. I'm quite glad; my sister kept standing on her cocker's teeth when they were coming out. Ouchies!
Re: Found a Tooth I think mine lost her first tooth on Halloween and by December she had all of her adult teeth in... maybe it took a few days longer for those canines to come out because they're last to go. So they don't take long at all once they start falling out but my girl was a nightmare while losing those teeth! She chewed and bit anything she could to try and get them out! One very sore puppy for a month or so but now those adult teeth are in she's so much better with her chewing. She likes anything in her mouth but doesn't seek to chew anything in sight any more