We were doing so well,Zac and I, with recall and most off lead work until today when he met fox poo for the first time.He rolled and rolled in it taking no notice of my efforts to call him in. I now have a washed but still smelly pup who is very pleased with himself.Any suggestions for removing the pong? He is 4 1/2 months now and apart from still jumping up at people is mostly well behaved.
Oh Zac,he's now anointed! thankfully we aren't as I don't come across any fox poo in Dubai!From previous sorry tales of fox poo incidents I believe tomato ketchup neutralizes the smell......
You can get dog shampoo specially for fox poo. Jura had a roll in it quite recently but thankfully I think it was quite dry as the smell went with normal puppy shampoo. I've now got Cowboy Magic on the recommendation of a few folk on the forum to hopefully reduce the times she is bathed, but thankfully have not had to use it yet. My mum's collie is a nightmare for rolling in it and she uses Aminology Fox Poo Shampoo and says it works quite well.
Another vote for Animology Fox Poo Shampoo here - works really well. The tomato ketchup/tomato juice trick does work, but if you are in a multi-dog household like me you find the second dog very quickly licks off the ketchup from the other one....
Thanks for advice. Have used the tom ketchup - very messy but seems to work.Will invest in a stock of Fox Poo shampoo for future reference . I had no idea that existed. We are living and exercising on Ashdown Forest so a recurring incident is more than likely.
We like Animology Fox Poo Shampoo, but the Cowboy Magic is a useful tool in the cupboard or car too - particularly good for spot cleaning if you have an "incident" on holiday or at another time a complete wash isn't possible. I really can't bear the ketchup/poo odour....can't do that one