Every time we go back to the UK, I get loads of stuff delivered to my parents's house for me. Obviously, loads of stuff for the mutts, but also clothes, things for the house, tools for J's work etc etc. It all gets piled in one of the spare rooms until we collect it. I've just been on the phone to my sister. She said that one of my deliveries has ended up in Mum's greenhouse because it was stinking the house out. Even so, you can smell it from outside the greenhouse. So, thanks for the recommendation for Fish4Dogs sea biscuits, all of you. I think they're going to be a big hit!!
Oh, I already have dried tripe. They can't be worse than that, surely?! But the tripe comes in smell-proof bags. Just as well
I can't smell sea biscuits! I've used them so often my nose is sea biscuit smell dead! I have boxes and boxes piled up on top of my kitchen cabinets. What do people think when they come to my house???!!!!!
I think I might have to find some sort of container for them to go in for the trip home, though. 12 hours in a car with a box that has the ability to make a whole house smell isn't something I'd cherish!
What....??? Ya sayin' my house and all my coats stink of fish and are covered in dog hair? I've never been so insulted in all my life! Why...oh....actually, fair enough. That's kinda true.....
Pizzles don't smell anywhere near as bad as dried tripe! I mean, I wouldn't exactly put them in a vase and let them scent the house, but I don't really find them offensive, either. I can't wait to see (smell) just how bad the sea biscuits are
I have no sense of smell ha ha i don't know how bad I smell all I know is some people have found my doggie fishy a bit much. I don't care he he