Getting a girl spayed ? When to do it ?

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Carebear32, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. Carebear32

    Carebear32 Registered Users

    Feb 23, 2014
    Hi everybody

    We are getting a girl in 6 weeks. I have been talking I the vet about getting her spaded and they said at 6/7 months before she goes into season. And then I was talking to a friend who said I should let her have one season ? What is your thoughts on this thanks !

  2. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: Getting a girl spayed ? When to do it ?

    I asked my vet the same question and was advised to let Harley have her first season, then 3 months after this would be the right time :D
  3. ClareJ

    ClareJ Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Re: Getting a girl spayed ? When to do it ?

    Pippa's article is here

    It's not a straightforward subject, and there are differences between different parts of the globe as to what is standard practice... The vet practice that I use does not push for spaying as standard, which does correspond to my own opinion, but there is plenty of room for disagreement!
    Another Clare
  4. Jules

    Jules Registered Users

    Jun 30, 2012
    Re: Getting a girl spayed ? When to do it ?

    Over the years I've had and seen girls left entire, spayed before they are mature, spayed at the wrong time in their cycle, and spayed at maturity and in the right time in their cycle, so now I only ever spay my girls when they are both physically and mentally mature and when I can accurately judge when the best time in the cycle is, which means waiting until they have had at least two seasons.

    I most certainly would never spay before they had even had one season, as you've no idea if they are just about to come in, so risking them having a major bleed during surgery, plus this seems to have knock on behaviour (them remaining very puppylike) and health issues (more incidents of spay incontinence for a start). The only time I'd ever recommend someone spay at 6 months old, is if they had a very strong risk of the bitch getting pregnant; maybe they have an entire boy living with them and no way to separate them for the duration. Other than that, based on my own experience, it's best all round to wait until they are mature.
  5. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: Getting a girl spayed ? When to do it ?

    If I had a breed that was very cancer prone (flatcoat, golden retriever) I just might spay very early. Spaying before the first season removes the risk of mammary cancer. Other than that, unless as Jules says, the dog is at risk of being mated, in the UK it is usually considered better to wait.

    In the USA and I think Australia (Rachael?) spaying is often carried out at 6 months. It seems to be a population control thing though, rather than a health thing. And I have seen an undercurrent of changes in opinion on American veterinary sites recently.
  6. Jules

    Jules Registered Users

    Jun 30, 2012
    Re: Getting a girl spayed ? When to do it ?

    [quote author=editor link=topic=4772.msg59172#msg59172 date=1394201298]
    If I had a breed that was very cancer prone (flatcoat, golden retriever) I just might spay very early. Spaying before the first season removes the risk of mammary cancer.


    Now that's interesting Pippa, as I'd be thinking the exact opposite, purely because it's thought that there are more bone and other cancers linked to early neutering. So for me the risk of them getting mammary tumours, which are commonly treatable these days (if you catch them early), compared to raising the risk of say a Bone Cancer, which isn't anywhere near as easy to treat, would be worth it. That said, I'd probably never choose to own a breed which is as prone to cancer as a Flat Coat, no matter how lovely they are. I'm not sure I could stand the worry.

    Everyone has different views on spaying and castrating early and everyone has their reasons for doing what they do, I just base my opinions on my own experiences and different articles I've read. Of course, you can find articles to back up the side of any argument if you look for it though 8) .
  7. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    Re: Getting a girl spayed ? When to do it ?

    I have had three bitches spayed before their first season and two after their first season and the two after their first season became incontinent towards the end of their lives, the exact opposite to what was expected to happen.

    I have seen dreadful mammary cancers on bitches and the operation is not pleasant. One of my dogs spayed before her season did develope osteosarcoma aged fourteen and a half years.
  8. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: Getting a girl spayed? When to do it ?

    It's complicated isn't it! I think it is a very individual decision, and we could really do with some better evidence to help us make it.
  9. Jules

    Jules Registered Users

    Jun 30, 2012
    Re: Getting a girl spayed ? When to do it ?

    Most definitely. We could also do with all vets singing from the same hymn sheet too. ;)
  10. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Getting a girl spayed ? When to do it ?

    [quote author=editor link=topic=4772.msg59172#msg59172 date=1394201298]
    In the USA and I think Australia (Rachael?) spaying is often carried out at 6 months. It seems to be a population control thing though, rather than a health thing. [/quote]

    Yes, that is the way it is in Australia. Canada too, going by what Lisa says. Quite a strong culture of neutering (or desexing as it's called here..) at 6 months for both males and females. Vets do push the 'health benefits' line but I think most people really do it because 'that's what we do here' and its perceived to be socially responsible.

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