hi everyone...just reading some of the responses, i am starting to worry about the problems with new lab pup we are getting..tell me not to worry...
Don't worry. Be prepared for hard work for a few months whilst they go through the croco pup stage. Get plenty of rest. Enjoy your puppy.
Welcome to you ccc Don't worry but do be prepared and get your expectations in line. Here is the best advice - https://www.thelabradorsite.com/what-to-expect-of-a-new-labrador-puppy/ .
Hi and welcome. As already said, don't worry, just be prepared and don't expect everything to happen over night - it all takes time, but it does pass and we all survived it - you can too.
The first six months are the worst However there are times when your heart will melt and other times when you will wonder what on earth you have done. All this will pass and you will end up with a wonderful companion and years ahead of joy. Just be prepared to be overwhelmed initially at times
Don't worry, try and educate yourself as best as possible to make things easier. Get a copy of "The Happy Puppy Handbook" and "Total Recall".
Hello and welcome to you. Don't worry, take a day at a time and enjoy your puppy. Do get a copy of the The happy puppy book, like the others have said.
Hi , and welcome ! Its perfectly natural to have those times of doubt , plus the times of " what have I done ? " when Puppy arrives ! Read the books , prepare as much as possible ,but most of all, enjoy it , they soon grow up x
Nah, don't worry!!! You'll deal with it all one day at a time... Yes, there will be times when the puppy wakes you up AGAIN at 04:30; and times when he/she comes back indoors after a walk, looks you in the eye and then pees on your carpet; and times when you are desperate for a conversation, any conversation, that doesn't revolve around puppy poop... But also you will be astonished at how much you love your little bundle of gorgeousness. And if/when you are feeling a bit down, then you come on the forum for a good moan and everyone pats you on the back and tells you it will be all right in the end... and you know what? It really will be. So don't ruin your time before the puppy anticipating the worst.
Hello and welcome. Don't worry about it. The Pros definitely outweigh the Cons. It will be hard at times but when you have a read through this forum you soon realise that everybody has gone through the same thing at some point in time, which was, and is very comforting for me. Good luck and enjoy it.