
Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by 46heritageway, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. 46heritageway

    46heritageway Registered Users

    May 7, 2014
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm not sure if anyone can help at all, but as our vets seems to be at a bit of a loss right now, I am hoping someone can or maybe has had a similar experience.

    Ozzie, our 21 week Old Chocolate Puppy, has had 3 episodes of Giardia now, and we now think it is back again, we are awaiting results from the vets to confirm this 4th episode, every time it is confirmed the vet gives us Panacur for him to treat it, the vet has said that the parasite must be in the environment, and that if that is the case in warm weather, which surprisingly we are having at the moment, it can survive for 40+ days, and there is no way of killing the parasite off and there is no point in quarantining the area, as we would have to do this for the next 40+ days with every new area that he goes in, so its pretty much impossible to do.

    We are at a bit of a loss as to what to do now, because we don't want to keep giving him Panacur as this can't be could for his stomach and system, as it is a wormer, so we are worried his is having too much worming in the start of his life (worming History - Breeder did it 3, 5 and 7 weeks old with Panacur, Our vet has done the following 9weeks - Milbemax, 12 weeks - Advocote, 14 weeks Panacur for 3 days (Treatment for Giardia), 17 weeks Panacur for 3 days (Treatment for Giardia)& 19 weeks Panacur for 5 days (Treatment for Giardia))

    He is currently having 2 Yumpro sachets a day for 7 days, which is a probiotic for him, to help build up the good bacteria in his stomach and system. But we have bought some more to perhaps keep his going while we await the results.

    Sorry for the whinge, but we are at whits end with him, we are so worried about him, as the giardia effects many things including him being a sad puppy and not waiting to play and just sleep for a whole day, then fine for the next few days then same again, and affects his weight too, he is an ok weight of 19.2kg today.

    We have already spent around £300.00 at the vets to treat Giardia, we don't mind doing this at all as he is our little puppy and we want him to be healthy and we do have insurance to claim it all back, but we are worried about him and the effects all of this is having on him.

    Fingers crossed it hasn't come back, but we are pretty confident without even having the tests done.
  2. Leanangle

    Leanangle Registered Users

    Sep 3, 2014
    Re: Giardia

    Does he scavange a lot? Does he stay on the lead or do you let him off it? It sounds like he may be scoffing some infected waste somewhere. Do neighbourhood cats crap in your garden? These are all things to think about.
  3. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: Giardia

    Oh no :'( poor Ozzie and you too ;( I hope he gets better soon.
    I can't offer any advice, sorry.
    My pup has constant tummy problems until she was 10 months old, we eventually found she was wheat intolerant and we had to change her food and treats. She still has a sensitive tummy so we still watch what she eats. She underwent lots of bouts of medication and tests. She was often sleepy for days on end, the same as Ozzie is now. She had diarrhoea for nearly the whole time. We also had a serious womb infection which involved emergency surgery a few weeks ago. Harley is now just over 1 and I don't feel it has impacted how she is. She is a loving, well behaved (well, 80% of the time) ball mad dog.
    I hope this reassures you a bit x
  4. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Re: Giardia

    My goodness, that does sound awful. I don't have any experience about this in dogs, around here (Canada) we are warned about that bug being in the water (ie mountain streams, etc) so not to drink it without treating it first. I would be worried about all that stuff going I to the poor little mite, but not sure you have much choice I terms of treating the bug? Why a wormer and not antibiotics?

    Hopefully someone else will have more to offer, just sending sympathy and wishes that your pup will be over this soon. :(
  5. Leanangle

    Leanangle Registered Users

    Sep 3, 2014
    Re: Giardia

    [quote author=Lisa link=topic=7661.msg106990#msg106990 date=1409855115]

    Why a wormer and not antibiotics?


    Because Giardia is a parasite & not a bacteria, so anti-biotics wont work.
  6. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Re: Giardia

    Ahh, okay got it. Makes sense, duh.... :p
  7. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: Giardia

    Poor you, and poor puppy

    Personally, I would not be worrying about the wormer. I have had a puppy with giardia, and I have had giardia myself. And it sucks. Panacur is a widely used and well tolerated wormer, and you are far better off with that in your puppy than the giardia parasite. Giardia can be really difficult to get rid of so I would do exactly as the vet recommends. Panacur does cure giardia, but you may need an extended course of treatment.

    I would also consider putting a temporary fence of some kind over a hard surface that you can disinfect (patio?) and confining the puppy to that for a while when outdoors. Make sure there is no 'standing' water in the garden that he has access to as this can be a source of reinfection.
  8. Penny+Me

    Penny+Me Registered Users

    Dec 30, 2013
    Re: Giardia

    Pippas suggestion is what I was about to say - find an area you can make into a doggy toilet that is concrete or paved and can be sprayed with disinfectant after each poo. I guess you are waiting for the weather to turn and a frost to kill off any of the parasites that are in the ground? I'm guessing that's the source of reinfection?

    I'm sure you're doing it anyway but make sure you pick up any faeces as soon as they appear. Bedding should be put on a hot (boiling) wash once treatment is completed and your pup is parasite free.

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