Greeting from Virginia!!

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by Chief Snappy, Jan 10, 2019.

  1. Chief Snappy

    Chief Snappy Registered Users

    Jan 10, 2019
    Thank you for adding us! My wife and I have been waiting to get a fur baby for some time now and we finally decided we were going to try to foster a dog that needed some loving. Therefore, off to the local shelter, we went to see if they had a foster program, but unfortunately, they didn’t. We then decided to go back and see what dogs they had there. Low and behold, in the middle of all the barking there sat this pitiful looking black lab named, Bella. She leaned onto the cage wanting to be pet so bad and quiet as a mouse. There was a sign on her cage that said she had been there since September and she was not allowed to have blankets or towels, and all she had was a plastic mat and food and water bowls. We then started asking the staff questions about her and if we could take a better look at her. The volunteer there took her out of her pin and brought her to us. She was so energetic, running about carrying a toy in her mouth.
    We left for a while to talk about it and decided we wanted her without a doubt and just as we made our decision the shelter calls to say that she was being transported to a different pet rescue in a different state within the next few minutes and they were there to take her. We tried to explain to them that since they were closing soon, so please don’t let her go and we would be there on Monday to pick her up. They then informed us that the other rescue had just pulled up and they would have to let her go with them. The wife and I dropped what we were doing, and ran back to the shelter to get her.
    She had been in that shelter had been in and out of the shelter since June, and had been picked up over 6 times by animal control until finally, the owner was tired of picking her up and agreed to surrender her, that was 3 months ago. Anyways she is safe and happy now and has our attention 24hrs a day. The wife stays at home with her and she seems to love that, she never leaves our side, and she does not tear up anything...unless of course, it is a cheap chew toy. The wife gave her a blanket and she carries it to bed with her, and when she wants to cuddle she will bring it out of the bedroom and into the living room when proceeds to just in the recliner with one of us. She is very smart, loving and seems to have had some type of training, which we are continuing.
  2. Jade

    Jade Registered Users

    Aug 7, 2018
    Welcome and Congratulations. That's a great story. I'm glad Bella has a happy life now.
  3. Anthony Abrao

    Anthony Abrao Registered Users

    Jan 1, 2019
    @Chief Snappy, I'm located in VA, too. Great story, and congratulations to you and Bella. It sounds like you all are off to a terrific start!
    JakesMom and Chief Snappy like this.
  4. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    Welcome to the forum! Your story is absolutely lovely, lucky Bella!
  5. JakesMom

    JakesMom Registered Users

    Jan 4, 2019
    Amherst, Va
    Welcome from Amherst, Va.
  6. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Welcome and thank you for sharing your lovely story with us. Lucky Bella to have been found by you :)

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