This coat blowing drives me absolutely insane. The slicker brush just doesn’t seem to be cutting it. I brush him basically everyday and I see little pieces still hanging around even after I’ve brushed him. Does anyone use a Furminator? Or some other type of bush that works well at removing the excess, loose under hair. Would bringing him to the groomer help at all?
I use the furminator when the dreaded moulting begins. It works well, but you are never going to be able to completely be on top of it. It passes.
I'm a big fan of using a shedding blade combined with a curry brush. A couple times a day during the worst parts of the year does the trick. Plus it's a good arm workout for you, too.
Hi Karen, which Furminator do you have ? I am trying to choose which one to buy amongst the various models. Thanks.
A Zoomgroom followed by a slicker brush followed by hand grooming by rubbing coat vigorously back and forth when in the park. Still sheds. Sending them to the groomer brings them back a different colour and thinner, so yes, that helps too.
Thank you everyone! I didn't realize how expensive the Furminators were, so I just ended up going with a Safari Magic De-Shedding tool...I THOUGHT I was getting a good amount of hair out with just the slicker brush but boy was I wrong. De-Shedding tools are great.
Which sort of Safari tool do you use? I found it on Amazon but there are loads of types, I was considering a Furminator too but not taken the plunge yet.
@Shaz82 I got this one: I used it on my sister's German Shepherd too and it was amazing how much it has reduced both dog's shedding. I used the Safari and then followed through with the slicker brush!
I tried my tangle teaser (I need it for my ridiculous mane) and it did nothing! Maybe I need to try it again when they're shedding.
Doggy Tangle teaser now do a thing called a pet teezer it got slightly longer teeth and it designed to take out the undercoat. I got it for Moo and it is very gentle and is taking out her old lady undercoat nicely. The furminator is too rough on her now and the rubber curry comb can't cope with the wispy hair
Does anyone else have dog that really does not like being brushed? Cooper is the first dog I've had that really objects to being brushed. It doesn't seem to matter what kind of brush it is, even the Zoom and Groom is bad, but the Furminator is evil incarnate. We borrowed a blower from one of our Sammy friends, and that was even worse. With Tilly the easiest way is to set up a box fan on the deck and groom her in front of the fan. The hair blows away and the birds use is for nests. Cooper not so much.
Aspen doesn’t like being brushed. Ever since he was a baby he would bite and lunge at the brush. Luckily he will do anything for food so I hold a Kong filled with PB in front of him to lick while I brush him. It probably isn’t the best way for me to get him to work with me but it works for us @Ski-Patroller