Happy Gotcha Day to Joy, our sweet and silky girl with a bark that's bigger than she is. It's hard to believe that it's a whole year since she came home to us, all 4.6kg of tiny bitey sweetness. She's come on so well and many people including the vets comment on her lovely gentle nature. We're so proud of her. Unfortunately she's been a little bit poorly over the last few days. I thought it was kennel cough as apparently there's a lot of it about at present. However the vet said it's actually just a cold! I've never had a dog that caught a cold before! I didn't know they could catch colds like we do, but there you go! She's on restricted exercise for a few days and no mixing with other dogs for two weeks. Apart from coughing, sneezing and having a snotty left nostril you wouldn't know there was anything wrong with her and the coughing and sneezing is much less today so with luck she's on the mend.. She's getting lots of fuss, extra treats and will have some tuna with her tea today. Joy is very aptly named and brings us joy every single day! Much love to her
Have a happy day, little Joy! Hope she gets over the cold, I've never heard of dogs getting colds either.
Happy Gotcha Day Joy, sorry you're feeling under the weather. Hope you feel better soon lovely girl. xx
The vet said that just as humans can be prone to colds in winter, dogs can in summer. She's looked after my dogs really well for 26 years now, so I'm quite prepared to trust her on that. I think little Joy has had a very happy day despite her cold and husband and I went out for a lovely meal tonight with some friends for a birthday celebration with no worries whatsoever. Just reflecting that a year ago this became a thing of the past for quite some time and bleeding, bitten hands, torn garments and sleep deprivation dominated our lives. That is now well and truly over and we have a sweet little dog who is now the new love of our lives. All new puppy owners take heart! It does get better and is truly, truly worth it, honestly.
Happy gotcha day little GoodGirlJoy! I hope she feels better soon. The Pig got a cold once, she was sneezing and had a fever. The trouble was she was scared of her sneezes and so when one came she would shoot off under the table to hide from it, poor little love! But it passed quickly so hopefully Joy will be right as rain soon.
Oh hoorah, and thanks for the heartening words @Candy - glad you got to celebrate Joy's Gotcha Day in style!