What harnesses did you use for your puppy? What is the safest and comfiest? I want to start getting her used to hers before we can take her out.
I used the Puppia harnesses for Willow and Shadow, but I have Luna in a different one, which I prefer. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01M3NCRJZ/ref=twister_B01G38J6XY?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I wrote a post on my blog about desensitising her. She now gets really excited when she sees it and shoves her head through so she can have her treats https://thislittledoggy.com/2017/01/08/desensitisation-to-the-harness/
I bought an inexpensive PetSafe SureFit harness on Amazon - it was $10 (some of them are $20, but the size/color I wanted was less expensive). Bessie wore it a lot in the house for training purposes, but then she likes to chew, so she chewed it one day while wearing it inside (the center strap, dipping her head down to her chest). I replaced it with one that is guaranteed even if chewed - Lupine Pet brand, Roman style. I like this one better because it can be adjusted so the back of it is pretty far back on their torso, not right behind the front legs like most. It's a little fiddly to get on, though, and requires one paw to be put through - not a huge deal, though
PetSafe Easy Walk was recommended by my trainer. They are pretty inexpensive even if your puppy doesnt pull. Its an interesting concept. The harness tightens around the chest to que the puppy to move in the direction you would like them to. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001TRF3SC/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1
@snowbunny what size did you get? I've tried another harness on Poppy but it's still way to big and she can pull it off over her head but biting the chest strap. I want something I can get her used to now. But will last a little while at least. Her girth is 47 but her neck is only 26cm (well I measured her collar which is 29 and I can get three fingers under it so her neck is probably 26). The Blueberry says says for that girth, the neck is 37-54. If I'm measuring the right thing for her neck...this would be too big as well.
I bought a medium, knowing it would be too big for her first few weeks, but hoping it would be fine for her at this age, now she's out and about. Thinking she'd be quite a big girl, too! But it's actually still too big for her, so I reckon the small would be fine, and would have plenty of adjustment for a good while yet. I think Luna will grow into hers, at its smallest adjustment, in a week or so. I don't have a tape here to measure her for comparison, sadly, but she weighs 10.7kg if that's any help.