Harness or collar?

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by jools, Aug 16, 2015.

  1. jools

    jools Registered Users

    Jul 29, 2015
    Eric is fine at wearing at his collar. We have been practicing using a lead in the garden ready for going out this week. He pulls constantly. I've been using lots of treats to keep him with me and turning the other direction when he pulls. This results in him biting the lead, sitting down and refusing to budge! He then tries his hardest to go the way he wants... treats or no treats.
    I hate the way it pulls on his neck.

    We have a harness that he wears for the car (hates that too going over his head, but is getting better)

    We tried him in garden with that this morning = Eric rolling over everytime he pulled!

    Should I go straight to a harness or keeping going with collar and lead?
    Confused :/
  2. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Hello there

    I would go straight to a harness - but a simple, back fastening one, not one that pulls your dog around if he pulls and certainly not a headcollar contraption. There is no reason to walk your dog on a collar, it's not the best option at all.

    A harness is much, much better for him and removes the risk that he might hurt himself by pulling on a collar. It also means it is much easier to keep the lead out of the way (and out of his mouth).

    If he is showing signs of disliking a harness being put on though, take it really slowly to get him used to a walking harness.

    The other thing is....don't be in a rush to take him for walks before he can walk on a lead. The very biggest trouble that people have with strong Labradors is them pulling on a lead. It takes forever to correct once the habit is ingrained, and anyone who has had to retrain loose lead walking will tell you - get it right from the outset, and don't walk any further than your dog can manage. Even if that's only 2 steps.

    In the meantime, as of course you want him to get out and about, is there somewhere you can take him where he can be off lead?
  3. Mollly

    Mollly Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Thames Valley
    Eric is very young. He has no idea about how a collar and lead works so,he thinks that biting at the lead and rolling over when he has it on is a new game.

    If you look around you will see many adult dogs who do not walk nicely on a lead. It is mainly small dogs that misbehave so, as they are little people seem to think it doesn't matter. With a large dog it does matter because they can tow you where they want to go.

    Teaching them to walk nicely on a lead takes many months. Do it in small chunks, just a few minutes at a time. It takes a lot of concentration from both dog and owner.

    I used to use a head collar as I am rather on the small side, but now I have switched to a harness and wish I had done so earlier.

    A final word of advice, don't try to make Eric's walk part of something with a time limit, like picking children up from school. You will have one eye on the clock, this will make you tense so you will try to rush and all that doesn't help at all.
  4. jools

    jools Registered Users

    Jul 29, 2015
    The harness we have is a car harness that can also be used for walking. It has a ring on the back for lead. If I click and treat he will let me put it on but he's not overjoyed so I will take it easy.

    We do have some green areas and parks around so I will choose one of those, take a deep breath and let him off lead :eek:

    his walks/ trips out will be his time only. Good advice thank you. No walks with hubbies before work :) until he is walking better
  5. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Train your puppy to walk alongside you without a lead - then add the lead later. It's by far the best way.

    Puppies do need to get out and about, but they do not need to go for a walk on a lead. So if you can avoid it, and just train lead walking in small bits to get ready for later that's much better.
  6. jools

    jools Registered Users

    Jul 29, 2015
    Just thought I'd give a little update.
    we now use a harness which doesn't go over his head and he is happier to have it on. He still pulls terribly so we keep lead walking to a minimum. Usually car to where we are going, lead to dog run then off lead. recall is getting better too with whistle.

    First puppy class on Tuesday and we were told to get him off harness and on to collar and lead. were told we wouldn't be able to control him on harness. I don't agree. I will use lead and collar in class as I can't stand confrontation but I'm using harness otherwise lol
    We went to park today on harness and lead and he was good today.
    He pulled. I stopped. He came straight back.
    We will get there :D
  7. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    So glad jools that you are making progress. Well done!

    I'd be a bit doubtful about any puppy class these days that advised taking a puppy off a harness and using a collar and lead. I know there are still lots and lots of dog training classes that are on the traditional side, but I wouldn't expect any trainer that was up with modern dog training to recommend that. There is absolutely no reason for it, and it suggests that the trainer is not going to be giving you up to date advice. Of course, if you are happy with everything else, they just might have a strange view about harnesses....but even so...
  8. jools

    jools Registered Users

    Jul 29, 2015
    Thanks Julie.
    We've paid for 3 weeks and I've picked up a couple of tips for walking which is our main struggle but I won't be returning after the three weeks. And I'm happy to ignore what I don't like. We have picked up so much from this forum and I'm happy with how he is doing. It's me that's impatient haha!
    I will keep asking for advice on here :)

    He is going to be a big dog and I'm sure the harness is the right thing for him (and me!)
  9. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    I really messed up my loose lead walking and had to go right back to the beginning...when we were started to improve I could do small periods on the collar and lead in non exciting places but I still always put his harness on and would clip that on if I knew he'd start pulling ie another dog walking towards us .....We can walk pretty good now in all of our local places so I don't put his harness on ....but go to somewhere new and I'd make sure I used it,just for security of knowing he wouldn't hurt himself if he was too distracted to pay attention.....I didn't have great choices of Training classes where I live ...there's been things about every set I've attended that I haven't liked....I hate looking like I'm being difficult by not complying with instructions but what I found in most cases was if I told the Trainer why I wasn't comfortable they were mostly happy to support that ..you do feel a bit more scrutinized and self conscious though when things go awry......
  10. Granca

    Granca Registered Users

    Jan 12, 2014
    It would be good to take him for short lead walks without going in the car first, too. He will asscociate the car with an exciting off-lead walk,so it will be more difficult to keep him calm and focussed on the way to the off-lead area. My two are always more lively on their leads when they get out of the car ... It's work in progress! On local walks, always on their leads, they readily setlle and walk on a loose lead (unless Wispa is spooked!).

    Good luck and keep going with the harness.
  11. SteffiS

    SteffiS Registered Users

    Aug 14, 2015
    Fife, Scotland
    I've finally managed to get the harness on Ripple, after 6 weeks and MANY MANY pounds of cheese! Yesterday we took him to the farmers market, then a cafe and on to the beach and he was brilliant on the harness, although very tired when we got home.
    I'm going to walk him using the lead as far as possible to continue his loose lead training, but use the harness in very busy situations.

    Our training class, Kennel Club Puppy Foundation, allows harness or lead but I will continue to use the lead there I think. There are quite a few things I don't really agree with but I'm just keeping in mind that it's really good for Ripple to get the time with other puppies, and when it's over I can go home and sit down in peace as he's so tired I don't hear a peep from him.
  12. jools

    jools Registered Users

    Jul 29, 2015
    well done Ripple :)

    We probably need to do more walking from home which might make lead walking easier if he thinks its boring. I just love taking him out to nicer places haha
    I will make it my aim this week to mix it up a bit!

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