Oh, what a worry. You know in your head that it's likely nothing serious, but it doesn't stop your heart turning over and over. I hope you can get an early appointment and find out really soon that it's nothing to worry about. Positive vibes coming your way x
Thinking of you and Hattie today Helen, I am sure it will be nothing to worry about, just dogs get a bit lumpy as they get older! I hope the vet puts your mind at ease quickly x
Hi Helen, I am just catching up. I hope, with everything crossed, that it is nothing serious. Give Hattie (and Charlie) a huge kiss from me. Thinking of you.
My German Pointers had many lumps when they were older, all were just lipomas, fatty tissue. Do take Hattie to vet today just to reassure you xx
Thank you everyone for your thoughts and support, as always it's so very much appreciated. Just got back from the vets and you were right it's a Lipoma (fatty lump) I am so relieved I can't tell you. Nothing to be done just to keep an eye on it for any changes in texture/size. The vet checked her thoroughly for any other lumps and nothing was found. Hattie was weighed and is a healthy smidge under 25 kilos which everyone was very pleased about, infact the vet said she looked/felt extremely fit, healthy, slim and very well mannered Lately I had noticed a blue cloudiness on Hattie's eyes so I asked her to check them, it was confirmed that she has Nuclear Sclerosis Another sign of age, but again just to be vigilant watching out for any signs that she is having any difficulty. Getting old is so tiresome but I am glad to say Hattie certainly doesn't let it get her down xxxx
So very relieved for you Helen , that's the best news and yes , nuclear sclerosis isn't anything to be too worried about , I really am happy for you . As I know only too well , lumps are always best investigated .