We had friends over last night and were all sitting outside. Someone took their shoes/socks off and my sneaky thief grabbed a sock (a little thin woman's footie sock) and ate it before I could get it out of his mouth. He's a year old and 84 pounds. Do I need to worry?
Don't be too worried at this point. He may vomit it up in the next few days or else it may pass through his entire system (being only a very small, thin sock). To help it pass through you could feed him some bulky, fibre rich things like wholemeal bread, cooked pumpkin etc. Until you see it again (from whichever orifice!!) keep an eye on his appetite and willingness to drink. Any reluctance to eat or drink or any evidence that he's in discomfort and can't settle and you should get him to the vet. Mostly these things reappear without incident. My first Labrador ate several knee-high pantyhose in his time with absolutely no ill effects and also numerous plastic bags, a whole toothpick, vacuum cleaner parts....(all, including the toothpick, appearing out the rear end eventually). Prepare to hear many similar stories from others!
Yep, can associate ! My last Lab girl was a demon for oven gloves and tea towels , thankfully they reappeared ! Good luck and I hope you see the sock again soon x
Thank you for the quick response! I've read a lot of posts here about others whose dogs have a sock fetish. Mine is one of them. As soon as I let him in the house when I get home (he's outside all day with my husband and loves to come in with me when I get home from work) and IMMEDIATELY runs to find a sock. Usually he just slobbers all over it and carries it around while I'm changing my clothes. But this was gone in a second! None of my other labs were interested in socks, shoes maybe but no socks.
Keep a close eye for any lethargy or any other changes diarrhoea etc. The likely, hopeful outcome is that he'll throw it up, this could take anything up to a fortnight. Monkies aren't they?! ...
In our house, we call socks "cupcakes"...because Quinn treats them like dessert. You may have seen previous posts from me - Quinn ate a package (6!!) of children's socks when she was 15.5 weeks and it escalated from there. We didn't know she had even swallowed any until she vomited the first and then second sock. The first few times we spent lots of money going to the vet for barium/xrays and turns out she had already vomited all the socks. Same with the second time. After that, we would call vet and monitor her. She always seems to vomit the culprit, sometimes up to a couple weeks later! The last incident was when she swallowed a stuffed animal right in front of us, the night before we were leaving on vacation when she was about 11 months. We decided to induce vomiting (at the vet's office - she went there for the day) and low and behold, she vomited a cloth we have no idea when she swallowed and it was not one of ours! I would call your vet just to seek their advice and keep an eye on eating/drinking/pooping.
Axel ate the stuffing out of his bed once, when he was about 6 months old, threw it up about 5 days later. Then at a year old he ate his way out of his cone when he got neutered, 5 weeks later he threw up the cone and gauze string tangled up in the plastic pieces. This time I am waiting for him to throw up his blanket he ate, he did that about 4 weeks ago now Just keep an eye out for lethargy, eating and drinking, and of course if he's throwing up or diarrhea with no evidence of the sock yet.
That's why I have a bag of odd socks! We've all been there. Charlie ate lots of beds, vet wrap and countless other items It's always best to keep an eye on your puppy just incase the item doesn't reappear x
I have four or five 'worst moments with dogs' incidents that I will never forget. And one of them was when a 12 week old puppy swallowed a big woolly boot sock. I watched it happen; he was so cute, 'killing' the big sock ... and then he swallowed it like a sword-swallower, so fast ... I couldn't believe it. I rang the vet immediately. She said, 'It will probably come out one way or another; just keep an eye on him.' But the boot sock was longer than his body length! I was so scared. And I'd only had Little Swallower for two weeks, and I didn't want it all to end like this.... One long week later, he vomited it up. I noticed too late. He immediately ate it again! It was another week before it came up once more, and still he wanted to keep it. It was 3 o'clock in the morning, and there was I, in a mid-sleep fugginess, hanging on the end of a slimy ex-tummy sock, while the (now 14 week old) puppy desperately tried to keep it for himself. I managed to get it from him. Interestingly, although slimy, it still looked no different from the day it went in. An additional memory from the time: when I recounted this to my sister-in-law, she said, 'So what did you do? Just wash it and then wore it again?' (And no, I didn't. I put it in the bin.)
Omg. Literally after I commented on this thread, I walked into my living room to find Axel had eaten my couch pillow. Not the whole thing. But a lot of the stuffing Maybe that will help the blanket to come out as well.
Cooper and Tilly both routinely destroy stuffed toys, but they normally don't eat the pieces, just leave the stuffing or squeakers lying on the floor.
LOVE these stories. Laughing out loud! Bring 'em on!! Snowie only swallowed teeny-tiny balls as a puppy. Size of tiny marbles. They came with the Beeno comics. Very bouncy and very chewy - he'd chew them like chewing gum (I'm guessing great for teething). And swallow them. One time he was making a poo and out came what looked like a child's drawing of a flower: a thick stick of brown with a red blob on the top for the flower. And yes I washed it. They were incredible, bouncy balls.
LOL...Quinn loves munching on stuffing. Chomps it like a horse eating hay...I have sewn many throw pillows!
Here is the thread about Tatze's eating antics https://thelabradorforum.com/threads/eating-things-which-are-not-food.5999/ ...
Oh my gosh you guys! I've laughed so hard this morning! What a great way to start the day. Well, I haven't seen any signs of the sock yet, but my husband is at home with him during the day and said he's not about to follow him around to watch him poop. He has no sense of adventure! LOL! Thanks for all the positive responses. I'm not as panicked as I was yesterday.